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Reggies Bananna's Shack

Chicago, IL


Ha/Ha To Hell featuring Ed Towns / Mike Pickerl / Kat Diaz / Jason Mel

J. Artiz Live At Reggies a Celebration of Love W/ Camila Isabel

Ian Fisher, Anna Smyrk, Ashlyn Sisco

Kelsey Montanez, the Alright Maybes, Aly Jados, Mario McClean, Andrye.

Automatic Lover, Play MacHine!

Beton Arme (Montreal) Lost Legion, Double Over

Pat McCurdy ST Paddy's Day Party

The Bishop's Daredevil Stunt Club, the Wild Chicago

Surfer Joe, the Breakers, the Tentakills

High Fidelity 25th Anniversary Music and Trivia

Cosmosquad (2 Sets)