- Indicco
- Indie Academy
- Indie Allen
- Indie Anthony
- Indie Artist Showcase
- Indie Darling
- Indie Daze
- Indie España
- Indie Fest
- Indie Jam
- Indie Moerstaal
- Indie Nights Live
- Indie Rock Festival
- Indie Rock Night
- Indie Shows Detroit
- Indie Sleaze: The Dance Party
- Indie Week Festival
- Indiean Summer Tour
- Indiefest
- Indiependence
- Indies at the Avalon
- Indieseksuell
- Indiestad
- Indigeno Fest
- Indigenous
- Indigenous Music Awards
- Indigenous Peoples
- Indigenous Robot
- Indigenous Theatre NAC-CNA Théâtre Autochtone
- Indiggo Twins
- Indighxst
- Indignant
- Indignation
- Indigo
- Indigo
- Indigo Big Band
- Indigo Child
- Indigo De Souza
- Indigo Fuzz
- Indigo Girls
- Indigo Husk
- Indigo Joseph
- Indigo Kidd
- Indigo Love
- Indigo Moon Brass Band
- Indigo Moss
- Indigo Pastel
- Indigo Sol
- Indigo Somewhere
- Indigo Sparke
- Indigo Sparke
- Indigo Sun
- Indigo Swing
- Indigo Velvet
- Indigo Wild
- Indigroove
- Indika Reggae Band
- Indio Downey
- Indio Ink
- Indios Bravos
- Indira
- Indira Corales
- Indira Paganotto
- Indirections
- Indisciplinarian Fest
- Indo Warehouse
- Indo-pak Friendship Show
- Indochine
- Indomania
- Indoor Country Music Festival
- Indoor Epona
- Indoor Festival Disentis
- Indoor Pets
- Indoor Sports
- Indoorock
- Indopop
- Indorphine
- Indra
- Indra Rios-Moore
- Indré
- Indrid Cold
- Indu with Crumble
- Indubious
- Indulgent Lucie
- Industri Royal
- Industria
- Industria Del Amor
- Industrial Drive
- Industry Awards
- Industry Expose II
- Industry Insider Music Summit
- Industry Monday
- Indy
- Indy & Wich, LA4
- Indy Grab
- Indy High School Allstar Jazz Band
- Indy In-Tune Podcast Concert
- Indy Jazz Fest
- Indy Racing Series Practice/Pole Event
- Indy Summer Stage
- Indy Winter Blues Fest
- Indyana
- Indyca
- Indyns
- Indyprov
- Ine Hoem
- Ine Hoem & Edvard Hoem
- INEC Inside Out
- Ineffect
- Inel Tomlinson
- Inelements
- Inept
- Inertia
- Inertia
- Ines Anioli
- Ines Barber
- Inés Belli
- Inés Graça y Ricardo Martins
- Inès Reg
- Inesa Galante
- Inestable
- Inez Jasper
- Inez Patricia Youth Dance Recital
- Inez Sammeltonium Wunderland
- Infalling
- Infamis
- Infamous Impulse
- Infamous Prime
- Infamousizak
- Infancy
- Infant Finches
- Infantree
- Infantry
- Infarto ¡No vayas a la luz!
- Infecta
- Infected Mushroom
- INFECTED MUSHROOM (DJ Set) – Re:Born World Tour
- Infected Rain
- Infected Threshold
- Infectious Grooves
- Infekt
- Inferi
- Infernaeon
- Infernal
- Infernal Devices
- Infernal Opera
- Infernal Overdrive
- Infernal Stronghold
- Infernal Tenebra
- Inferno
- Inferno
- INFERNO - The Fire Spectacular
- Inferno Burlesque
- Inferno Friendship Society
- Inferno label night
- Inferno Metal Festival
- Inferno Music Conference
- Inferno of Joy
- Infernoise
- Inferum
- Infest
- Infest
- Infest
- Infestation
- Infidel
- Infidelidades
- Infinexhuma
- Infinien
- Infinite
- Infinite Death
- Infinite Descent
- Infinite Earths
- Infinite Entity
- Infinite Journey
- Infinite Livez
- Infinite Me
- Infinite Skillz
- Infinite Spectrum
- Infiniti Music Festival
- Infinitus
- Infinity
- Infinity
- Infinity
- Infinity Division
- Infinity Downs
- Infinity Fall
- Infinity Garnett
- Infinity Girl
- Infinity Hotel
- Infinity Ink
- Infinity Knives
- Infinity Shred
- Infinity Song
- Infinity's Twin
- Inflagranti
- Inflame
- Inflatable Best Friend
- Inflatable Soul
- Inflencer Camp
- Infliction
- Infloyd
- Influence Jazz Orchestra
- Influent
- Info Und Tips
- Infocus Summer Dance Festival
- Informal Society
- informal.
- Information Control
- Information Society
- Infraction
- Infrasonic
- Infrasound
- Infu
- Infused Miscreation
- Infusion
- Infusion Dance Company
- Infuze
- ING Replugged Festival
- Inga Juuso
- Inga Rumpf
- Inga Soder
- Inga Swearingen
- Inge Bremnes
- Inge Lamboo
- Inge van Calkar
- Ingebjorg Bratland
- Ingebjorg Bratland og Espen Lind
- Ingebjørg Bratland, Odd Nordstoga og Det Norske Kammerorkester – JUL
- Ingebjorg Harman Bratland
- Ingebjorg Lognvik Reinholdt
- Ingeborg
- Ingeborg & Ingeborg
- Ingeborg Knøsen
- Ingeborg Walther
- Ingemar Låås
- Ingemars
- Ingen Panik
- Ingenious Band
- Ingenium
- Ingenium Ensemble
- Ingenting
- Ingenting ONT
- Ingenue
- Inger Lise Rypdal
- Inger Lise Rypdal - Mamas Garden - Christian Ingebrigtsen
- Inger Marie Gundersen
- Inger-Katrin
- Ingers Veranda
- Ingested
- Ingested, Vulvodynia, Vale Of Pnath, Bound In Fear
- Ingested, Within destruction, Signs of the swarm, Distant
- Inglorious
- Ingmar Glerum
- Ingmar Stadelmann
- Ingmars
- Ingo Appelt
- Ingo Appelt & Benni Stark
- Ingo Oschmann
- Ingolf Burkhardt Jazul
- Ingolf Lueck
- Ingram Hill
- Ingram Street
- Ingratax
- Ingrid
- Ingrid & the Defectors
- Ingrid & the Unicorns
- Ingrid Andress
- Ingrid Andsnes
- Ingrid Arthur
- Ingrid Beaujean
- Ingrid Bjørnov - Steinway to Heaven
- Ingrid Bjrnov & Ystein Sunde
- Ingrid Contreras
- Ingrid Gatin
- Ingrid Graudins
- Ingrid Helene Havik
- Ingrid James
- Ingrid Jasmin
- Ingrid Jensen
- Ingrid Lovise
- Ingrid Lucia
- Ingrid Michaelson
- Ingrid Olava
- Ingrid Rosario
- Ingrid ST Pierre
- Ingrown
- Ingvar Frydkjær DUO
- Ingvar Olsen
- INGVAR! - en musikalsk møbelsaga
- Ingvild Flottorp
- Ingvild Homme
- Inhale Exhale
- Inhaler
- Inheaven
- Inherit The Earth
- Inherit the Stars
- Inherited
- Inhibit
- Inholland Student Party
- Inhuman Company
- Inhuman Condition
- Inhuman Nature
- Inhumate
- Inhume
- Inigo
- Iñigo Quintero
- Iniko
- Inimical Drive
- Iniquitous Savagery
- Initials BR
- Initiate
- Initium
- Inity
- Inja
- Injected
- Injecting Strangers
- Injun Biscuit Factory
- Injuns
- Injury Reserve
- Injustice
- Ink
- Ink
- Ink & Dagger
- Ink Life Tour
- INK.
- Ink'd & Amp'd
- Inka
- Inkbat
- Inkcarceration
- Inklings
- InkMouth
- Inkubation Live
- INKwell Yacht Club
- Inkwizycja
- Inky Jack
- Inland Empire Music Awards
- Inland Ocean
- Inland Pacific Ballet
- Inland Traveler
- Inlaws
- Inlet Sound
- Inlets
- Inlite
- Inmates
- Inme
- Inn Cinema
- Inna Modja
- Inna Sense
- Inna Vision
- Innanet James
- Innata
- Innate
- Innellea
- Inner 61
- Inner Chaos
- Inner Circle
- Inner City
- Inner City
- Inner City Dance
- Inner City Hustlers
- Inner City Pirates
- Inner City Witches
- Inner Decay
- Inner Demons
- Inner Ear Brigade
- Inner Edge
- Inner Image
- Inner Itch
- Inner Limits
- Inner Lux
- Inner Magic
- Inner Mongolia Song & Dance Ensemble
- Inner Oceans
- Inner Outlaws
- Inner Outlines
- Inner Peace
- Inner Peaks
- Inner Reflection
- Inner Riddim
- Inner Terrestrials
- Inner Visions
- Inner Voices
- Inner Wave
- Innerbloom
- InnerCity
- Innercoastal
- Innergaze
- Innerpartysystem
- Innerpiece
- Innerspace
- Innerst Inne
- Innertwyned
- Innervisions
- Innes Sibun
- Inni-K
- Innings Festival
- Innisai Maalai Pozhuthu
- Innkeepers
- Innlandet
- innlet
- Innocence Mission
- Innocent Flannel
- Innocent Galinoma
- Innocent Man
- Innocent Reggae Band
- Innocent Victims
- Innosphere
- Innoss'B
- Innov Gnawa
- Innovation
- Innovation in the Dam
- Innuendo
- Innuendo Talent Showcase
- Innumerable Forms
- Ino-Rock Festival
- Inoculate
- Inoculation
- Inoculist
- Inon Barnatan
- Inox Traxx
- Inpatient
- Inpetto
- InPop presents
- Input
- Inquisition
- INS OFFENE..! Musik Festival 2.0
- Insane
- Insane Asylum
- Insane Clown Posse
- Insane Clown Posse's Big Ballas Christmas Party
- Insane Eric
- Insane Jane
- Insane Poetry
- Insane Poetry
- Insane Wayne
- Insania
- Insaniac
- Insanity
- Insanity Sweden
- Insect Ark
- Insect Factory
- Insect Surfers
- Insectoid
- Insects VS Robots
- Insecure Men
- Inseljuwel Madeira
- Insen
- Insense
- Insentient
- Inside AfD
- Inside Amys Mind
- Inside It Failed
- Inside No.9
- Inside Out
- Inside Out Festival
- Inside Politics
- Inside the Nine
- Inside the Ropes: Live with Sting
- Inside the Whale
- Inside Voices
- Insider
- Insider - Tom Petty Tribute
- Insides Out
- Insidious
- Insidious Decrepancy
- Insidious: The Further You Fear
- Insieme
- Insightful
- Insignia
- Insignia HDS
- Insignificant Other
- Insigniya
- Insimul
- Insipidus
- Insision
- Insite
- Inskagnito
- Insofar
- Insolence
- Insolito
- Insomnea
- Insomnia
- Insomnia Brass Band
- Insomnia Dance Festival
- Insomniac Bears
- Insomniac Countdown
- Insomniac Folklore
- Insomniac's Electric Mile