- The Princess Theatre's 1st Birthday Party
- The Priscillas
- The Prize
- The Prize Fighter Inferno
- The Pro Letarians
- The Problemaddicts
- The Problems
- The Procedure Club
- The Process
- The Procession
- The Proclaimers
- The Proctors
- The Procussions
- The Prodigals
- The Prodigy
- The Producers
- The Producers-The New Mel Brooks Musical (Touring)
- The Product
- The Professionals
- The Professors
- The Profiteers
- The Program
- The Program Initiative
- The Progressive Alliance
- The Project
- The Project Trio
- The Projection
- The Projectionists
- The Prom (Touring)
- The Promise - a tribute to Springsteen
- The Promise Hero
- The Promise Keepers
- The Promise Ring
- The Prongs
- The Proof
- The Proper Ornaments
- The PropheC
- The Prophecy 23
- The Prophecy Band
- The Prophecy Show
- The Prophecy Show
- The Prophet
- The Prophetic Group
- The Prophets
- The Props
- The Prosciutto Papi
- The Prosecution
- The Proselyte
- The Prosulas
- The Protagonists
- The Protest
- The Proto Whats
- The Protomen
- The Protomen
- The Prototypes
- The Proud Flesh
- The Proud Sons
- The Proven Ones
- The Provincial Archive
- The Prowl
- The Prowlers
- The Prowling Kind
- The Prudish Few
- The Psyatics
- The Psyched
- The Psychedelic Furs
- The Psychedelic Warlords
- The Psycho Realm
- The Psychology of a Murderer
- The Psychology of Serial Killers
- The Psychotic Monks
- The Psychs
- The Psyke Project
- The Pubcrawlers
- The Puffy Tongues
- The Pug Uglies
- The Pukes
- The Pullers
- The Pullmen
- The Pulsators
- The Pulse Electric
- The Pump and Dump Show
- The Pump Fakes
- The Pumps & Orphan
- The Punch
- The Punk Cellist
- The Punk Group
- The Puppeteers
- The Puppini Sisters
- The Pure Zeppelin Experience
- The Purkinje Shift
- The Purple Experience
- The Purple Madness - Tribute to Prince
- The Purple Ones
- The Purple Piano
- The Purple Xperience
- The Purrs
- The Purslaines
- The Pursuit of Happiness
- The Push Stars
- The Pushers
- The Pushers
- The Pushovers
- The Puterbaugh Sisters
- The Puzzle Pieces
- The Pyramid Rock Festival
- The Pyramids
- The Pyrates
- The Pyronauts
- The Pyt's
- The Qu**Ftones
- The Quad
- The Quahogs
- The Quaildogs
- The Quaker Notes
- The Quakes
- The Qualia
- The Quantum Activist
- The Quaranteds
- The Quarrymen
- The Quarrymen Beatles
- The Quarter
- The Quarter After
- The Quasi Kings
- The Quebe Sisters
- The Queen Experience
- The Queen Killing Kings
- The Queen Kings
- The Queen's Cartoonists
- The Queen's Six
- The Queen's Six
- The Queens of Hip-Hop
- The Queens of Music
- The Queens of Soca
- The Queers
- The Quelle Source
- The Quentin Tarantino Songbook
- The Quest for Immortality: Treasures of Ancient Egypt
- The Queue
- The Quick & Easy Boys
- The Quickening
- The Quiet Hours
- The Quiet Loud
- The Quiett
- The Quiggs
- The Quill
- The Quilt - Charity Auction and Reception
- The Quilts
- The Quins
- The Quit
- The Quixote Project
- The Quorus
- The R.O.C.
- The R&B Cadets
- The R4 Project
- The Rabbles
- The Rabeats
- The Rabid Whole
- The Racer
- The Rachel Mae Band
- The Racing Pulses
- The Rack
- The Racket Boys
- The Raconteurs
- The Racquets
- The Rad Trads
- The Radar Post
- The Radials
- The Radiators
- The Radicals
- The Radikalz
- The Radio Dept.
- The Radio Takeover Tour '04
- The Radiomen
- The Raft
- The Raft
- The Raga Dolls Salon Orchestra
- The Ragadors
- The Ragbirds
- The Ragdolls - Tribute To the Jersey Boys
- The Ragga Twins
- The Ragged Jubilee
- The Ragged Out String Band
- The Raggedy Anns
- The Raging Idiots
- The Raging Jews of Comedy
- The Raging Nathans
- The Raging Teens
- The Rags
- The Ragtime Rumours
- The Ragtones
- The Rahs
- The Rail at the 1863 Club
- The Railbenders
- The Railers
- The Rails
- The Railsplitters
- The Railyard
- The Rain Within
- The Rainband
- The Raincoats
- The Raines
- The Rainieros
- The Rainiers
- The Rainmakers
- The Raisins
- The Rakehells
- The Rakes
- The Ram Jam Dream Come True Show
- The Ramble
- The Rambler
- The Ramblers
- The Ramblin Bandits
- The Ramblin' Letters
- The Ramona Flowers
- The Ramonas
- The Ramparts
- The Ramrods
- The Rance Allen Group
- The Ranch Festival
- The Ranch Hotel End of Semester Boat Party
- The Randies
- The Randy Bandits
- The Randy Dandies
- The Randys
- The Range
- The Range of Light Wilderness
- The Rangers
- The Rankin Family
- The Rankin Sisters
- The Rankin Sisters and Friends
- The Rankin Twins
- The Rap Game
- The Rap Pack
- The Rap Show
- The Rapid Shave
- The Rapparees
- The Rapper: H
- The Raptors
- The Rapture
- The Raquels
- The Rare Occasions
- The Rascals
- The Rascals (NY)
- The Rashita Joneses
- The Raskel
- The Raskins
- The Rasmus
- The Rassle
- The Rat Pack - Back In Town
- The Rat Pack - Direct From Las Vegas
- The Rat Pack & the Dry Martini Orchestra
- The Rat Pack Is Back
- The Rat Pack Is Back (Las Vegas)
- The Rat Pack Show
- The Rat Pack Summit
- The Ratchets
- The Rated Legend Show
- The Ratells
- The Rathburns
- The Rather Unfortunate
- The Rationales
- The Ratpack
- The Ratpackers
- The Rats & People
- The Rattles
- The Rattleshakes
- The Rattlesnakes
- The Rattling Kind
- The Raul Midon Trio presents Bad Ass & Blind
- The Raunchy Randos
- The Rave Showcase
- The Raven
- The Raven Age
- The Raven and the Writing Desk
- The Raven Band
- The Raven Chords
- The Raven Writing Desk
- The Ravenna Colt
- The Raveonettes
- The Raveups
- The Ravyns
- The Raw Kings
- The Raw Materials
- The Rawtones
- The Ray
- The Ray Charles Project
- The Ray Charles Tribute Orchestra
- The Ray Liriano Experience
- The Ray Summers
- The Raya Brass Band
- The Raymen
- The Raymond and Timpkins Revue
- The Rayo Brothers
- The Razorblades
- The Razzz - A Tribute To The Raspberries
- The RBC
- The Re-Adjusters
- The Read
- The Ready Set
- The Ready Stance
- The Reagan Years
- The Reaganomics
- The Reagans
- The ReAktion
- The Real
- The Real (Funny) Housewives of Rio Linda!
- The Real Antonios
- The REAL Birthday Bash
- The Real California
- The Real Chaos
- The Real Choir
- The Real Deal
- The Real Deal Comedy Jam
- The Real Detonators
- The Real Fantastics
- The Real Feel
- The Real Gone Tones
- The Real Group
- The Real Group - Jul nu igen?
- The Real Irish Comedy Tour
- The Real Jobs
- The Real Kicks
- The Real Kids
- The Real Lazy Genius
- The Real Live Show
- The Real Loveless
- The Real Marigold Hotel Live
- The Real McKenzies
- The Real McKenzies
- The Real Mexico
- The Real Mojo
- The Real Nasty
- The Real Numbers
- The Real People
- The Real Show
- The Real Sickies
- The Real Thing
- The Real Thing
- The Real True Stories
- The Realish Housewives of San Diego
- The Reality Check Experiment
- The Reality of Yourself
- The Really Big Show
- The Really Cooks
- The Realm
- The Realm Between
- The Reaper
- The Reason
- The Reavers
- The ReBeatles
- The Rebeats
- The Rebecca West
- The Rebel Angels
- The Rebel Nerds
- The Rebel Scientist
- The Rebel Spell
- The Rebel Wheel
- The Rebelbeats
- The Rebeldes
- The Rebell Tell Band
- The Rebirth
- The Rebobs
- The Receiver
- The Receiving End of Sirens
- The Recession Boys
- The Recipe
- The Reckless and The Brave
- The Reckless Heroes
- The Reckless Island
- The Reckless Scamps
- The Reckoning
- The Reckoning
- The Recliners
- The Reconstructed
- The Record Collector
- The Record Company
- The Record Low
- The Record Producers Live
- The Record Summer
- The Recordettes
- The Recreaion
- The Recreational
- The Red Button
- The Red Carpet Club
- The Red Chord
- The Red Clay Ramblers
- The Red Clay Strays
- The Red Clay Strays
- The Red Desert
- The Red Elvises
- The Red Eye Flight Crew
- The Red Eye of Soromon
- The Red Falcon Projects
- The Red Fox Tails
- The Red Heroine
- The Red Hots
- The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
- The Red Light Sting
- The Red Masque
- The Red Note Project
- The Red Paintings
- The Red Pandas
- The Red Party
- The Red Party
- The Red Party presents... Welcome to the Reptile House
- The Red Pears
- The Red Plastic Buddha
- The Red Pyramids
- The Red Rockers
- The Red Sea Pedestrians
- The Red Shore
- The Red Summer Sun
- The Red Verse
- The Red Western
- The Red, Gold & Green Machine
- The Redbook Project
- The Redcoats
- The Redemptions
- The Redettes
- The Redhill Valleys
- The Redlight
- The Redliners
- The Redlines
- The Redneck Manifesto
- The Reds, Whites & Blues Experience
- The Redtone Sixes
- The Redtones
- The Redwalls
- The Redwood Plan
- The Redwoods Revue
- The Reef
- The Reefermen
- The Reel Awards
- The Reeves Brothers
- The Reflectacles!
- The Reflections
- The Reflectors
- The Reflex
- The Reflexx
- The Reform Club
- The Refreshments
- The Refuge by Fly Away
- The Regal Beagles
- The Regal Sweet
- The Regenerates
- The Regents
- The Reggae Allstars
- The Regressives
- The Regrets
- The Regrettes
- The Regular Johns
- The Regulars
- The Regz
- The Reid-Taheny Band
- The Reign of Kindo
- The Reigning Monarchs
- The Reigning Sound
- The Reimann Project
- The Reivers
- The Rejects
- The Rejectz
- The Reklaws
- The Rekooperators
- The Relapse Symphony
- The Relationship
- The Relatives
- The Relays Party Weekend
- The Release
- The Released
- The Relentless Mules
- The Relics
- The Reliques
- The Reluctant Apostles
- The Remainders
- The Remains
- The Remedies
- The Remedy
- The Remedy Club
- The Remembering
- The Reminders
- The Remnants
- The Remote
- The Remote Controls
- The Renaissance Guild's Black and White Gala
- The Renderers
- The Rendering
- The Rendezvous Allstars
- The Reneaus
- The Renee Rosnes Quartet
- The Renegade Folk Band
- The Renoir Returns
- The Rent a Cops
- The Rentals