Browse Artists - R
- Rootbeer Richie & The Reveille
- Rootbound
- Rootdown
- Rooted Skies
- Rootikal
- Rootin Aboot
- Roots & Rhythm
- Roots & Roses
- Roots and Boots
- Roots and Boots Roots Music Festival
- Roots and Culture Jam
- Roots Band
- Roots Battalion
- Roots Collider
- Roots Creation
- Roots Dance Hot
- Roots Dance Irie
- Roots Dance Joyful
- Roots Dance Supreme
- Roots Down Below
- Roots En Route
- Roots High Power Sound System
- Roots In the Park Festival
- Roots Like Mountains
- Roots Manuva
- Roots N Blues Festival
- Roots N Blues N BBQ Festival
- Roots Natty
- Roots of a Rebellion
- Roots of Creation
- Roots of Exile
- Roots Of Heaven Festival
- Roots of Thought
- Roots on 66 Festival
- Roots on the Ridge
- Roots or Orchis
- Roots Radics
- Roots Reggae Festival
- Roots Reggae Houston Music Festival
- Roots Renegades
- Roots Rising Music Fest
- Roots Ritual
- Roots Rock Reggae
- Roots Rock Reggae Concert
- Roots, Rhymes, & Righteous Times
- Rootscollider
- Rootsfestivalen
- Rootsline
- Rootsriders
- Rootstand
- Rootstock
- Rootsy Festival
- Rootsy Summer Fest
- Rootz Underground
- Roozbeh Bemani
- Rope
- Rope Trick
- Ropin' The Wind
- Roppongi Male Chorus ZIG-ZAG
- Rora Wilde
- Rorbua
- Rorey Carroll
- Rori
- Rorie Kelly
- Røros Barnefestival
- Roros Folk Festival
- Røros Konserter
- Røros Storband
- Rorschach Festival
- Rorschach Test
- Rorvikdagan
- Rory & Mal
- Rory & the Island
- Rory Albanese
- Rory Allen
- Rory and the Island
- Rory and the Riff Raffs
- Rory Block
- Rory Bremner
- Rory Butler
- Rory Campbell
- Rory D'Lasnow
- Rory Danger & the Danger Dangers
- Rory Gallagher
- Rory Gallagher Festival
- Rory Gardiner
- Rory Hoffman
- Rory James
- Rory McLeod
- Rory McVicar
- Rory Nellis
- Rory O’Hanlon
- Rory O'Connor & Ray Goggins
- Rory Rodriguez
- Rory Scovel
- Rory Tyer Band
- Rory Wynne
- Rory’s Stories
- Rosa
- Rosa Anschütz
- Rosa Anschütz & L Twills
- Rosa Bursztein
- Rosa Chance Well
- Rosa Coste
- Rosa Crux
- Rosa Dos Ventos
- Rosa Ensemble
- Rosa Faenskap
- Rosa Fra Rouladegade
- Rosa Linn
- Rosa López
- Rosa Luxemburg
- Rosa Maria
- Rosabel
- Rosabella
- Rosado
- Rosali
- RosaLi
- Rosalía
- Rosalía and Raul Refree
- Rosalia De Souza/Jonas Johansen - Brazilian Quartet 2022
- Rosalie
- Rosalie Cunningham
- Rosalie Sorrels
- Rosalie Sorrels and Her Friends
- Rosalie Vaillancourt
- Rosalind Wiseman
- Rosaline
- Rosalita
- Rosana
- Rosana Arbelo
- Rosana-En la Memoria de la Piel
- Rosann
- Rosanna
- Rosanna Fratello
- Rosanne & Fong Yi Kei
- Rosanne Cash
- Rosanne Lui
- Rosario
- Rosario & Antonio Carmona
- Rosario Flores
- Rosario Giuliani
- Rosario Guerrero
- Rosario La Tremendita
- Rosario Smowing
- Rosasharn
- Rosavelt
- Rosbeh
- Rosborough
- Rosco
- Rosco and Friction Quartets
- Rosco Bandana
- Rosco Caine
- Rosco Festival
- Rosco Levee & the Southern Slide
- Rosco The DJ
- Roscoe
- Roscoe
- Roscoe Dash
- Roscoe Mitchell
- Roscoe Shelton and Earl Gaines
- Rosé
- Rose
- Rose
- Rose
- Rose
- Rose & Rosie
- Rose & the Thorns
- Rose Avenue
- Rose Betts
- Rose Bowl Stadium Tours
- Rose Callaghan
- Rose City Band
- Rose City Burial
- Rose City Classic All Breed Dog Show
- Rose City Rhythm
- Rose City Sing-Off
- Rose Cousins
- Rose Cross
- Rose Elinor Dougall
- Rose Ellis
- Rose Ette
- Rose Falcon
- Rose For Tomorrow
- Rose Funeral
- Rose Garden Parking
- Rose Gray
- Rose Hill Drive
- Rose Hotel
- Rose Kelso
- Rose Kemp
- Rose Marin
- Rose Mary
- Rose Matafeo
- Rose Max
- Rose Max & Ramatis Moraes
- Rose Melberg
- Rose Noire
- Rose of Sharon
- Rose of the West
- Rose On The River
- Rose Parade
- Rose Parade
- Rose Paradise
- Rose Polenzani
- Rose Quartz
- Rose Room
- Rose Royce
- Rose Royce Revue
- Rose Ryot
- Rose Spearman
- Rose Tattoo
- Rose Variety
- Rose Vaughn
- Rose Villain
- Rose Windows
- Rose's Cross
- Rose's Pawn Shop
- RoseAnn Fino
- Roseanna Vitro
- Roseanne Barr
- Roseanne Reid
- Roseau
- Roseblud
- Rosebud Baker
- rosecoloredworld
- Rosedale
- Roseelu (DK)
- Rosegarden Funeral Party
- Rosegawd
- RoseGold
- Rosehill
- Roseliv Velgoerenhedskoncert
- Rosella
- Rosellas
- Roselle
- Roselle Nava
- Rosemarie
- Rosemarine
- Rosemary
- Rosemary & Garlic
- Rosemary Clooney
- Rosemary Crass
- Rosemary Joaquin
- Rosemary STL
- Rosemary's Baby Blues Band
- Rosemond Jolissaint
- Rosenberg Raw
- Rosenberg Trio
- Rosendal Musikkfestival
- Rosendo
- Rosendo + Burning + Javier Gallego Crudo
- Rosendo Cantu
- Rosendo Cantu
- Rosenetter på Roseslottet
- Rosenfest Heiligenberg
- Rosenhill
- Rosenhof On Tour
- Rosenmontagsparty 2022
- Roserona
- Roses
- Roses & Revolutions
- Roses Are Red
- Roses for Margaret
- Roses In December
- Roses Unread
- Rosetta
- Rosette
- Roseview
- Rosewater
- Rosewood & Rye
- Rosewood Blues Band
- Rosey Bengal
- Roseye
- Rosfjord Beachparty
- Roshambeaux
- Roshelle
- Rosi
- Rosi Golan
- Rosie
- Rosie
- Rosie & the Riveters
- Rosie and the Rivets
- Rosie and the Rosies
- Rosie Carney
- Rosie Darling
- Rosie Flores
- Rosie Holt
- Rosie Jones
- Rosie Ledet (The Zydeco Sweetheart)
- Rosie Lowe
- Rosie Meyer
- Rosie O'Donnell
- Rosie Ramsey
- Rosie Rowland
- Rosie Soul and the Rock and Roll Cowboys
- Rosie Swan
- Rosie Thomas
- Rosie Tran
- Rosie Tucker
- Rosie Valland
- Rosie Waterland
- Rosie Yang
- Rosie! a Tribute To Rosemary Clooney
- Rosina Parmiggiano
- Rosio Sanchez
- Rosk
- Roska
- Roski Reloaded
- Roskilde Festival
- Roskilde Festival Summer Days
- Roskilde Rising
- Roskilde Traad
- Roskoh
- Roslyn Kind
- Rosmersholm
- Rosrock
- Ross Ainslie
- Ross Bellenoit
- Ross Bennett
- Ross Berman
- Ross Bon
- Ross Bon and the Mighty Blue Kings
- Ross Breen
- Ross Browne
- Ross Clark
- Ross Coppley
- Ross Coppley Band
- Ross Couper
- Ross Curry
- Ross Ellis
- Ross Flournoy
- Ross From Friends
- Ross Halfin
- Ross James & the Broken Kittens
- Ross Jones
- Ross K
- Ross Livermore Band
- Ross Lynch
- Ross Mathews
- Ross McGrane
- Ross Mintzer Band
- Ross Neilsen Band
- Ross Newhouse
- Ross Noble
- Ross O'Carroll
- Ross O'Carroll-Kelly : Postcards From the Ledge.
- Ross Parsons
- Ross Taggart
- Ross the Boss
- Ross Tompkins
- Ross Valladolid
- Ross Valory
- Ross Wilson
- Ross Wilson & Dragon
- Ross Wilson & The Peaceniks
- Ross Wilson and the Urban Legends
- Rossana Rocci
- Rossano Sportiello
- Rossi
- Rossi
- Rossi Noise
- Rossi.
- Rossini - Vaříme v kuchyni
- Rossko
- Rosslyn
- Rossman
- Rossy
- Rossy and Kanan Quartet
- Rost
- Rost ar det som aterstar
- Rostam
- Roster McCabe
- Rostislav Fraš Quintet
- Rostocker Blues Festival 2024
- Rostros Ocultos
- Rosu Lup
- Rosvo ja poliisi
- Roswell
- Roswell Park Cancer Center VIP Club
- Roswell Rudd
- Rosy Arango
- Rosy Nolan
- Rosy Street
- Roszone
- Rot Within
- Rota, Sue and Bob Too
- Rotary
- Rotary Club
- Rotary Downs
- Rotary Park
- Rotary Seniors Concert
- Rotation
- Rotation med: Joyce, Casquette, Fusia
- Rotation med: The Entrepreneurs
- Rotation Q
- Rote Mütze Raphi
- Rote Planeten
- Rote Raben Vilsbiburg
- Rotem Sivan
- Rotersand
- Rotey
- Rotfront
- Roth Mobot
- Rothbury
- Rothbury Festival
- Rothschild & Sons
- Rothwell
- Rothwell and Moffatt
- Rotimi
- Rotimo
- Rotkäppchen - Varia Vineta Theater
- Rotkäppchen und der Aufschneider
- Rotlaus
- Roto's Magic Act
- Rotorua Bluesfest
- Rotorua Has Talent
- Rotorua Indigenous Film Festival
- Rotorua Rocks for Christchurch
- Rotorua Ukebox
- Rototom Sunsplash
- Rottbite
- Rotten Apple
- Rotten Apples
- Rotten Finko
- Rotten Mangos
- Rotten Mouth
- Rotten Sound
- Rotten Stitches
- Rotter paa loftet
- Rotterdam
- Rotterdam Games Week
- Rotterdam Ska Jazz Foundation
- Rotting Christ
- Rotting Out
- Rotto Live
- Rotuaari Piknik
- Rotunda
- Rou Reynolds
- Rouass
- Roue Verveer
- Roufaida
- Rouge Et or
- Rough
- Rough Age
- Rough Copy
- Rough Cut
- Rough Draft
- Rough Francis
- Rough Hands
- Rough House Blues Band
- Rough Island
- Rough Kids
- Rough Shop
- Rough Tempo
- Rough Trade
- Roughedge
- Roughhausen
- Roughhouse
- Roughstate
- Roulette
- Round 2 - the Band
- Round 2 Crew
- Round and Round
- Round and Round the Garden By Alan Aykbourn - Cardiff Players
- Round Eye
- Round Midnight Orchestra - Crooners Night Club
- Round Midnight: Monk's Legacy
- Round Mountain
- Round Table Denmark
- Round Table Knights
- Round the Horne
- Round-Up Series
- Roundabouts
- Rounder Records
- Roundhand Rowan
- Roundheels
- Roundhouse
- Roundsound Exposure Tour
- Roundtable Writer's Breakfast
- Roundup MusicFest
- Rounhaa
- Roupa Nova
- Rouquine
- rouri404
- Rousers
- Rousseau
- Route .44
- Route 3