Browse Artists - T
- The McManus Project
- The McNaughstys
- The Me In You
- The Me Toos
- The Me-Thinks
- The Meadows Brothers
- The Meadows Music & Arts Festival
- The Meaning of Life
- The Measure
- The Meat and Onions Gang
- the meat purveyors
- The Meatball Band
- The Meatloaf Experience
- The Meatmen
- The Mecan'tiks
- The Mechanicals
- The Mechanics
- The Medic Droid
- The Medics
- The Meditations
- The Medium
- The Medium
- The Mediums
- The Meds
- The Mee Kats
- The Meehan Brothers
- The Meek
- The Meeks
- The Meet
- The Meffs
- The Mega 80's
- The Mega Choir Event
- The Mega Dance Chic Party - Les meilleurs hits Soul & Disco
- The Megantic Outlaw
- The Megaphones
- The Megaphonic Thrift
- The Megas
- The Mekanix
- The Melancholics
- The Meldavians
- The Melees
- The Meligrove Band
- The Meligrove Band
- The Melisizwe Brothers
- The Melismatics
- The Melker Project
- The Mellotones
- The Mellows
- The Melodians
- The Melodic
- The Melodinks
- The Melting Nomads
- The Melting Paraiso U.F.O.
- The Melting Pott
- The Melting Suns
- The Melvins
- The Members
- The Membranes
- The Meme-Ing of Life
- The Memorials
- The Memories
- The Memories of Gold Show
- The Memory Palace
- The Memphis Beats
- The Memphis Dawls
- The Memphis Murder Men
- The Mempunks
- The Men
- The Men of Deep Throat
- The Men of My Boys
- The Men of the Deeps
- The Men of Tohoku
- The Men That Will Not Be Blamed for Nothing
- The Men They Couldn't Hang
- The Mend
- The Menendez Brothers
- The Mentalists
- The Mentor
- The Mentors
- The Mentulls
- The Menus
- The Menzingers
- The Mercians
- The Mercury Program
- The Mercury Retrograde
- The Mercury Saints
- The Mercy Beat
- The Mercy Case
- The Mercy Concert
- The Mercy House
- The Mercy Now
- The Mere Mortals
- The Merge 93.3 FM's Big Joke
- The Meridian City
- The Merindas
- The Merky Muttheadz
- The Merlin Factor
- The Merrell Twins
- The Merry Gang
- The Merry Wives of Windsor
- The Merrylees
- The Mersey Beatles
- The Mersey Beatles: Sgt. Pepper & Greatest Hits
- The Merseybeats
- The Meschiya Lake Little Big Quartet
- The Meschiya Lake Quartet
- The Mess Around
- The Mess with Julia
- The Message
- The Message In the Music
- The Messenger Birds
- The Messers
- The Messiah
- The Messiah Handel
- The Messthetics
- The Met
- The Met Arena
- The Metal Showcase
- The Metal Studs
- The Metal Suckfest
- The Meteors
- The Meter Men
- The Meters
- The Methadones
- The Methatones
- The Method
- The Metro Bravo Party
- The Metropolitan Orchestra
- The Metros
- The Metta Quintet
- The Mexican Standoff
- The Mezz Band
- The Mhurs
- The Mi Mi Mi's
- The Miamians
- The Michael Allman Band
- The Michael Cearns Group
- The Michael Gannon Band
- The Michael J. Epstein Memorial Library
- The Michael Jackson Experience Live!
- The Michael Jackson HIStory Show 2026
- The Michael Jackson Tribute Show
- The Michael Live Project
- The Michael Weber Show
- The Mick Fleetwood Blues Band
- The Micks
- The Micro MacHines
- The Microphone Misfitz
- The Microphones
- The Mid-Summer Classic
- The Midbeats
- The Midday Ramblers
- The Middle City Sound
- The Middle East
- The Middle Eight
- The Middle Ground
- The Middle States
- The Middlefork
- The Midgetmen
- The Midnight
- The Midnight Band
- The Midnight Beast
- The Midnight Circus
- The Midnight Club
- The Midnight Confessions
- The Midnight Cowgirls
- The Midnight Ghost Train
- The Midnight Hollow
- The Midnight Players
- The Midnight Ramble Band
- The Midnight Shows
- The Midnight Slander
- The Midnight Sound
- The Midnight Stealth
- The Midnight Swinger
- The Midnight Travellers
- The Midnights
- The Midsummer Jam
- The Midterm
- The Midtown Men
- The Midway State
- The Midwest Comedy Tour
- The Midwest Homegrown Band
- The Midwest Revival
- The Midwestern
- The Midwestern Sky
- The Mighty Blue Kings
- The Mighty Boosh
- The Mighty Breaks
- The Mighty Cash Cats
- The Mighty Dan Halen
- The Mighty Diamonds
- The Mighty Echoes
- The Mighty Fine
- The Mighty Flyers
- The Mighty Fools
- The Mighty Hoopla
- The Mighty Mighty Bosstones
- The Mighty Mocambos
- The Mighty Mofos
- The Mighty Network
- The Mighty Orq
- The Mighty Paradocs
- The Mighty Pines
- The Mighty Ploughboys
- The Mighty Pragmatics
- The Mighty Red Melons
- The Mighty Regis
- The Mighty Roll
- The Mighty Shamrocks
- The Mighty Slim Pickins
- The Mighty Sparrow
- The Mighty Spectrum Band
- The Mighty Stef
- The Mighty Underdogs
- The Mighty Wurlitzer Organ Concert
- The Migrant
- The Migs
- The Mik Maks
- The Mike Bend Show
- The Mike Benign Compulsion
- The Mike Dillon Band
- The Mike Reilly Band
- The Mike Rood Communion
- The Mike Seeger Commemorative Old Time Banjo Festival
- The Mike Ure Band
- The Miki Doras
- The Mildred Snitzer Orchestra
- The Mile High Beer Festival
- The Miles Davis Experience: 1949-1959
- The Milford
- The Milk
- The Milk Carton Kids
- The Milkman's Union
- The Millburns
- The Millenium
- The Millennial Club
- The Millennium Tour
- The Milligrams
- The Milling Gowns
- The Million Dollar Quartet
- The Millionaires
- The Mindbenders
- The Minders
- The Mindreaders
- The Minds
- The Minds
- The Minds
- The Minds of 99
- The Minimalists
- The Ministers of Coolazz
- The Minks
- The Minneapolis Chapter of Roustabouts
- The Minneapolis Henrys
- The Minnesota Child
- The Minnesota Show
- The Minor Arcana
- The Minor Injuries
- The Minor Leagues
- The Minor Planets
- The Minor Prophets
- The Minor Three
- The Minorities
- The Mint Chicks & Pluto
- The Minus 5
- The Minus Scale
- The Minus Story
- The Minutes
- The Minx
- The Miracle A night with Queen
- The Miracle Christmas Concert
- The Miracle in Mundelein
- The Miracle of 86
- The Miracle of Mindfulness
- The Miracles
- The Miracles Club
- The Mirage Zone
- The Mirandas
- The Mirror and the Light
- The Mirror Conspiracy and the New Earth Group
- The Mirror Crack'd
- The Misanthrope
- The Miserable Men of Comedy
- The Miserable Rich
- The Miserables
- The Miseries and the Black Cult
- The Misery Jackals
- The Misery Mountain Boys
- The Misfits
- The Misfits Halloween Bash
- The Misfortunes of Captain Perculiar
- The Mishits
- The Mispers
- The Misses and Me
- The Missile Toads
- The Missing
- The Missing 23rd
- The Missing Chums
- The Missing Kids
- The Missing Letters
- The Missing Peace
- The Missing Stompers
- The Missingmen
- The Mission
- The Mission Creeps
- The Mission District
- The Mission In Motion
- The Mission UK
- The Missionary Position
- The Missy & Leyla Show
- The Mist
- The Mistaa
- The Mistle Toe Jam
- The Mists of Forever
- The Mitchell Brothers
- The Mithered
- The Mittens
- The Mixer
- The Mixtapae
- The Mixtape
- The Mixups
- The Mizzerables
- The MLMS
- The Moan
- The Moaners
- The Moanin' Dove
- The Moaning Myrtles
- The Moat Rats
- The Mob
- The Mobros
- The Mobtones
- The Moby Dicks
- The Moccasin Stompers
- The Mockers
- The Mocking Jays
- The Mockingbirds
- The Mocks
- The Model Home
- The Model Youth
- The Moderates
- The Modern
- The Modern Drone
- The Modern Electric
- The Modern Era
- The Modern Gentlemen
- The Modern Guitar Trio
- The Modern Sounds
- The Modern Strangers
- The Modern times
- The Modern Voice
- The Modernist
- The Moderns
- The Modfathers
- The Modrn
- The Mohawk Lodge
- The Moho Collective
- The Mohrs
- The Moio Brothers
- The Moistboyz
- The Mojeaux Band
- The Mojo Filters
- The Mojo Gurus
- The Moldy Peaches
- The Mole People
- The Molecules
- The Moles
- The Molly Ringwalds
- The Mollys
- The Molochs
- The Molotovs
- The Molters
- The Mom DJS
- The Moment
- The Moments
- The Moms
- The Mona Lisa's
- The Monads
- The Monahans
- The Monday Blues Revue
- The Money
- The Money Green Team
- The Money Making Jam Boys
- The Mongoloids
- The Moniac Sound Maker
- The Monica Robins Band
- The Monkee Men
- The Monkee's Tribute Night
- The Monn Keys
- The Monochrome Set
- The Monolators
- The Monotrons
- The Mons
- The Monsieurs
- The Monster
- The Monster
- The Monster Ball
- The Monster In Us
- The Monster NME Radar Tour
- The Monsters
- The Montagues
- The Montauk Project
- The Montell Jordans
- The Monterrey Power Trio
- The Monti
- The Moochers
- The Moody Blues
- The Moody Blues' John Lodge
- The Mooks
- The Moon
- The Moon Jays
- The Moon Men
- The Moonbeams
- The Mooncake and the Kumara
- The Moondoggies
- The Moondogs
- The Moonhearts
- The Moonlandingz
- The Moonlight Mile
- The Moonlighters
- The Moonmen
- The Moonrays
- The Moons
- The Moonshine Band
- The Moonshiners
- The Moonspinners
- The Moor
- The Moore Brothers
- The Mopomies ja sen Sisko
- The Morgana Phase
- The Morgendorffers
- The Morgues
- The Morlocks
- The Morning After
- The Morning Benders
- The Morning Code
- The Morning Herald
- The Morning Light
- The Morning of
- The Morning Sea
- The Morning Shakes
- The Morning Show
- The Morning Star
- The Morning Yells
- The Morons
- The Morrells
- The Morrison Brothers
- The Morrow
- The Morticians
- The Moscow Trip
- The Mosers
- The Moses Gun
- The Moses Jones Band
- The Moshe Hecht Band
- The Mosquers
- The Mosquitos
- The Moss
- The Moss Brothers
- The Most
- The Most Americans
- The Most Beautiful Losers
- The Most Beautifuls Naple Songs and Melodie
- The Most Blessed Man
- The Most Dangerous Race
- The Most Historic Grand Prix
- The most human
- The Most Incredible DJ Chuck
- The Most Powerful Weapon
- The Most Serene Republic
- The Most Wanted
- The Mostly Don'ts
- The Motel Beds
- The Motel Life
- The Motels
- The Motet
- The Motet
- The Moth
- The Moth (Detroit)
- The Moth & the Flame
- The Moth Gatherer
- The Moth Grandslam
- The Moth Mainstage
- The Mother Corn Shuckers
- The Mother Hips
- The Mother Load
- The Mother's Day Matinee
- The Mothers Anger
- The Mothers of Invention
- The Moths
- The Motifs
- The Motion Sick
- The Motions
- The Motor City Meal Deal
- The Motor Creeps
- The Motor Tom
- The Motorpsychos
- The Motortown All-Stars
- The Motown Event
- The Motown Sensations
- The Motown Show