Browse Artists - T
- The Antiserum
- The Antlers
- The Antonelli Orchestra
- The Antycs
- The Anubis
- The AP Tour
- The Apache Relay
- The Apathetics
- The Aperghis Suite
- The Apex Theory
- The Aphrodisiacs
- The Apocalypse Blues Revue
- The Apocalyptics
- The Apollo Effect
- The Apologist
- The Apologists
- The Apostles
- The Apparition
- The Apparitions
- The Applause
- The Apple Blossom Concert
- The Apple Bottom Gang
- The Apple Cart
- The Apple Scruffs
- The Apple Stomp
- The Apples
- The Appleseed Cast
- The Applicators
- The Appreciation Post
- The Approach
- The Après
- The APX
- The Aquabats
- The Aquadolls
- The Aquaducks
- The Aquanets
- The Ar-Kaics
- The Aragona Project
- The Arbitrary
- The Arc
- The Arc Angels
- The Arcade Experience
- The Arcadian Wild
- The Arcane Order
- The Arcanum Effect
- The Arch
- The Arch's High School Reunion
- The Archaic Epidemic
- The Archers
- The Archers Apple
- The Archetypes
- The Archies
- The Architects
- The Archive
- The Archives
- The Arcs
- The Are
- The Areolas
- The Aretha Franklin Tribute
- The Argentine
- The Argonauts
- The Argument
- The Aria Awards
- The Aristocrats
- The Ark
- The Ark Band
- The Arkhams
- The Arkoffs
- The Arks
- The Armadillos
- The Armando Show
- The Armchairs
- The Armed
- The Armed Forces
- The Armed Man
- The Armory
- The Armstrong & Miller Show
- The Army Before Us
- The Army, The Navy
- The Arnolds
- The Arrivals
- The Arrogant Sons of B***Hes
- The Arrogants
- The Ars Nova
- The Arson Choir
- The Arson Project
- The Arsonist
- The Art
- The Art Ensemble of Chicago
- The Art Institute of Chicago
- The Art Institute of Chicago Art Escape
- The Art Institute of Chicago Audio Tour
- The Art Is Murder
- The Art Laboe Show
- The Art of Amputation
- The Art of Banksy
- The Art Of Banksy - Boston
- The Art Of Banksy - Denver
- The Art Of Banksy - Washington
- The Art of Beer
- The Art of Combat
- The Art of Cool
- The Art of Escapism
- The Art of Punk and New Wave
- The Art of Seduction
- The Art of Shooting
- The Art of Song
- The Art of Storytellin' - Outkast Tribute
- The Art of the Brick
- The Art Of The Duo
- The Art of the Quartet
- The Art of the Tenor
- The Art Pack
- The Arteries
- The Artery Foundation Tour
- The Artery Young Guns Tour
- The Artifact
- The Artisan
- The Artisanals
- The Artisans
- The Artist
- The Artist Formerly Known As Vince
- The Artist in the Sky
- The Artist Life
- The Artist Must Draw
- The Artois
- The Arturo Complex
- The Arusha Accord
- The Asbestos Tampons
- The Asbury Short Film Concert
- The Ascent of Everest
- The Ascent of Seraph
- The Ascetic Junkies
- The Ascot Royals
- The Ash Brothers
- The Ash Grove
- The Ashley Hundred
- The Ashleys
- The Assad Family
- The Assad's
- The Assassins
- The Assault
- The Assembly
- The Assembly Line
- The Assist
- The Assless Chaps
- The Association
- The Association
- The Asteroid #4
- The Asteroids
- The Asteroids Galaxy Tour
- The Aston Shuffle
- The Astonishing Times of Timothy Cratchit
- The Astral Cadence
- The Astral Force
- The Astrea Corporation
- The Astrochimps
- The Astrojet
- The Astronauts
- The Astronomers
- The Asylum
- The Asylum Band
- The Asymptomatics
- The Ataris
- The Athens Band
- The Athiarchists
- The Atlanta Chicken Experiment
- The Atlantic
- The Atlantic Aesthetic
- The Atlantic City Jazz Fest
- The Atlantics
- The Atlas
- The Atlas Moth
- The Atlas Stone
- The Atlicic
- The Atom Age
- The Atomic B***hwax
- The Atomic Bitchwax
- The Atomic Drifters
- The Atomic Duo
- The Atomic Love Bombs
- The Atomic Spins
- The Atomic Sunshine One Day Festival
- The Atomics
- The Atrocity Exhibit
- The Atrophies
- The Attack
- The Attending
- The Attic
- The Attic Ends
- The Attic Sleepers
- The Attics
- The Atticus Metal Tour
- The Attitude
- The Attitude Era
- The Attraction
- The Attractors
- The Auburn Rodeo
- The Audians
- The Audibles
- The Audience
- The Audition
- The Audreys
- The Audyssey
- The Aught-Nots
- The Augmented Triad
- The August
- The August Infinity
- The August Name
- The Augustines
- The Ault Sisters
- The Aussie BBQ London
- The Aussie BBQ NYC
- The Austerity Program
- The Austin Symphony
- The Austin Taft Soundtrack
- The Australian Alice Cooper Show
- The Australian Ballet School Showcase 2017
- The Australian Bee Gees (Vegas)
- The Australian Bee Gees Show (Chicago)
- The Australian Bee Gees Show (Touring)
- The Australian Blues Brothers Show
- The Australian Burlesque Festival
- The Australian Classic Rock Show
- The Australian Eagles
- The Australian INXS Show
- The Australian Pink Floyd Show
- The Australian Queen Show
- The Australian Wine and Beer School
- The Author
- The Authors
- The Automatic
- The Automatic Automatic
- The Automatic Lovers
- The Autopilots
- The Autumn Day Stranglers
- The Autumn Defense
- The Autumn Hollow Band
- The Autumn Offering
- The AV Experience
- The Avalanches
- The Avalons
- The Avantist
- The Avener
- The Avener
- The Avengers
- The Avengers of Comedy
- The Aves
- The Avett Brothers
- The Aviary
- The Aviation Orange
- The Aviators
- The Avonden
- The Award Winners Party
- The Awards Nominations Concert Live
- The Away Days
- The Awesome
- The Awesome Welles
- The Awful Din
- The Awful Waffles
- The Awkward Robot
- The Axe Band
- The Axes of Evil
- The Axis of Awesome
- The Aye Ayes
- The Ayoub Sisters
- The Azoic
- The Azrieli Series of Holocaust Survivor
- The Azures
- The B Fiftytwos
- The b Sharps
- The B-52s
- The B-Movie Orchestra
- The B-Side Dubs
- The B-Sides
- The B-Stars
- The B3
- The Babe Rainbow (OZ)
- The Babies
- The Baboon Show
- The Baby Grand
- The Baby Magic
- The Babylon Prostitutes
- The Babys
- The Babysitters Circus
- The Bach Choir
- The Bach Project
- The Bachelor Live on Stage (Chicago)
- The Bachelor Live on Stage (Touring)
- The Bachelor Live!
- The Bachelorette's James Taylor
- The Back Chords
- The Back Kitchen Release Party
- The Back Room
- The Backbeat Beatles
- The Backbeats
- The Backdoormen
- The Backdoors
- The Backfires
- The Backhomes
- The Backroom
- The Backroom Rumors
- The Backseat Lovers
- The Backseaters
- The Backstabbers
- The Backstacks
- The Backstage Cafe (Peabody Daytona Beach)
- The Backup Factor
- The Backups
- The Bacon Brothers
- The Bad Bees
- The Bad Checks
- The Bad Doctors
- The Bad Dreamers
- The Bad Engrish
- The Bad Flowers
- The Bad Girls of Comedy
- The Bad Influences
- The Bad Judies
- The Bad Life
- The Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza
- The Bad Luck Charms
- The Bad Mammals
- The Bad Man
- The Bad Mitten Orchestra
- The Bad Moods
- The Bad Oats
- The Bad Parts
- The Bad Plus
- The Bad Sons
- The Bad Tenants
- The Bad Things
- The Bad Ups
- The Bad Vibes
- The Badabings
- The Badd Habbits
- The Badheads
- The Badhuman Tour
- The Badlees
- The Badloves
- The Bads
- The Bag You Live In
- The Baggs Jazz Project
- The Baghdaddies
- The Bags
- The Baha'i Gospel Singers
- The Bailey Hounds
- The Bailiffs
- The Bakaboyz
- The Bake Factory
- The Baker Family
- The Baker Street Irregulars
- The Baker's Basement
- The Bakerton Group
- The Balanced Man Project
- The Balconies
- The Bald and the Beautiful
- The Baldwin Brothers
- The Ballantynes
- The Ballet Bombs
- The Ballot
- The Ballroom Thieves
- The Balsa Gliders
- The Baltic
- The Baltic Philharmonic - Nordic Pulse
- The Baltic Sea
- The Bam Bams
- The Bama Gamblers
- The Bama Lamas
- The Bamboo Kids
- The Bamboos
- The Bamboozle Festival
- The Band Band
- The Band Belief
- The Band Benefield
- The Band Called Fuse
- The Band Called Oh
- The Band CAMINO
- The Band Eclypse
- The Band Europa
- The Band Feel
- The Band Hennessy
- The Band Ice Cream
- The Band KARA
- The Band Lemon
- The Band Light
- The Band Loula
- The Band Mosaic
- The Band Of Gypsys Experience
- The Band of Heathens
- The Band of the Grenadier Guards
- The Band On the Edge of Forever
- The Band Perry
- The Band Royale
- The Band Sauce
- The Band Solstice
- The Band That Fell To Earth
- The Band That Fell To Earth
- The Band That Fell To Earth: a David Bowie Odyssey
- The Band That Time Forgot
- The Bandana Splits
- The Banddroidz
- The Bandit Kings
- The Banditz
- The Bandulus
- The Bang
- The Bang Bang Theodores
- The BangBags
- The Bangerz
- The Banging Souls
- The Bangkok Five
- the Bangles
- The Banjo Boyz
- The Bank Notes
- The Bank og The Artist
- The Bank og The Artist
- The Bank Street Bonbons
- The Bankes Brothers
- The Bankrobber
- The Banner
- The Banqueting Hall
- The Banter Thiefs
- The Baptist Generals
- The Bar At Buena Vista
- The Bar Society Showcase
- The Bar Steward Sons of Val Doonigan
- The Bar Stewards Sons of Val Doonican
- The Bar Stool Preachers
- The Barbarians of California
- The Barbary Ghosts
- The Barbazons
- The Barber Shop Tour
- The Barberettes
- The Bardogs
- The Barebones
- The Barefoot Nellies
- The Barking Spiders
- The Barley Hoppers
- The Barley Jacks
- The Barley Mob
- The Barmates
- The Barn
- The Barnies
- The Barnyard Boys
- The Barons
- The Barons of Tang
- The Barr Brothers
- The Barra MacNeils
- The Barracudas
- The Barrel Riders
- The Barren Marys
- The Barreracudas
- The Barricade Boys
- The Barry Campbell Band
- The Barstool Blackout Tour
- The Barstool FOAM Tour
- The Barstool Party
- The Barstool Preachers
- The Barton Hills Choir
- The Baseball Project
- The Baseballs
- The Basement
- The Basement Tapes
- The Basement Yard
- The Bash
- The Bash - Andermatt
- The Bash Dogs
- The Basics
- The Basil Brush Show
- The Basily Gypsy Band
- The Basketles
- The Bassics
- The Bassturd
- The Bastard Bearded Irishmen
- The Bastard Suns
- The Bastards
- The Basterds
- The Bath Festival Finale Weekend
- The Batman
- The Bators
- The Bats
- The Battery Electric
- The Battle Of Kells Medieval Fayre
- The Battle of Los Angeles
- The Battle of New Orleans
- The Battle of the Beard
- The Battle of the Brits
- The Battle of the Eighties VS the Nineties
- The Battles of One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy Seven
- The Battleship Agenda
- The Battleships Cometh
- The Baudelaires
- The Baxbys
- The Bay Rays
- The Bay Series
- The Bayliens
- The Baylor Project
- The Baylor Project