Browse Artists - T
- The Happenings
- The Happy Accident
- The Happy Alright
- The Happy Disharmonists
- The Happy Dog
- The Happy Fits
- The Happy Goodman Family
- The Happy Hollows
- The Happy Hour Band
- The Happy Hours
- The Happy Problem
- The Happy Return
- The Hara
- The Harbor Boys
- The Harbour Lights
- The Harbour Of Heaven
- The Hard Count
- The Hard Drive Band
- The Hard Ground
- The Hard Lessons
- The Hard Luck Kid
- The Hard Promises
- The Hard Quartet
- The Hard Rollers
- The Hard Way
- The Hardcore Awards
- The Hardcount
- The Hardkiss
- The Hardway
- The Hardways
- The Hardy Bucks
- The Harlem Blues Project
- The Harlem Gospel Singers Show
- The Harlem Gospel Travelers
- The Harlem Speakeasy Orchestra
- The Harlequins
- The Harley Party
- The Harmaleighs
- The Harmed Brthters
- The Harmonious Five
- The Harmony Tour
- The Harold Show
- The Harp Twins
- The Harpoonist and the Axe Murderer
- The Harpoons
- The Harpriders Blues Band
- The Harptones
- The Harrisons
- The Harrow
- The Harrowbrooks
- The Harrowing
- The HARRY STYLISH Club Night
- The Harters
- The Harvest Cup
- The Harvest Kings
- The Harvey Steel Show
- The Hat Guys
- The Hat Man
- The Hatchers
- The Hate
- The Hate Beneath
- The Hate Maxes
- The Hate Michigan Rally
- The Hate My Day Jobs
- The Haters
- The Hatrick
- The Hatters
- The Haunt
- The Haunted
- The Haunted Coliseum
- The Haunted Lemp
- The Haunted Theatre
- The Haunted Warehouse
- The Haunted Youth
- The Haunting
- The Haunting of Night Vale
- The Havana Cuba All-Stars
- The Have Nots
- The Have-Nots
- The Haverchucks
- The Havoc
- The Hawkeyes
- The Hawks (Of Holy Rosary)
- The Hawks & the Found
- The Haxans
- The Hayds
- The Haymarket Squares
- The Haywains
- The Hazards
- The Haze
- The Hazey Janes
- The Hazzah
- The Head And The Heart
- The Head Cat
- The Headers
- The Headhunters
- The Headies
- The Headliner
- The Headlocks
- The Headpins
- The Heads
- The Headstones
- The Heard
- The Hearing
- The Hearkening
- The Heart Beat
- The Heart Behind the Music
- The Heart Of
- The Heart Of Rock & Roll - A Tribute To Huey Lewis & The News
- The Heart of Rock and Roll
- The Heart Wreckers
- The Heartbreakers
- The Heartbreaks
- The Heartbroken
- The Heartlight Show
- The Hearts
- The Hearts
- The Heartstrings Project
- The Heat
- The Heat
- The Heat Machine
- The Heat Run
- The Heat Tape
- The Heathen Rival
- The Heathers
- The Heatwave
- The Heavenly Horse
- The Heavenly States
- The Heavies
- The Heavy
- The Heavy Bombers
- The Heavy Boxes
- The Heavy Guilt
- The Heavy Heavy
- The Heavy Hours
- The Heavy Howl
- The Heavy Jets
- The Heavy MacHine
- The Heavy Pets
- The Heavy Watts
- The Hecks
- The Hectors
- The Hedgehog's Dilemma
- The Hedrons
- The Heebee-Jeebees
- The Heebie Jeebies
- The Heels
- The Hegg Brothers
- The Heights Band
- The Heimatdamisch
- The Heir
- The Heirs
- The Heist
- The Helio Sequence
- The Heliocentrics
- The Helionauts
- The Helium Brothers
- The Hell
- The Hell and The Quiet
- The Hell Patrol
- The Hell Yeah Babies
- The Hellbound Hitmen
- The Hellfreaks
- The Hello Darlins
- The Hello Strangers
- The Hellp
- The Hellroys
- The Hellstroms
- The Help
- The Helvetica Effect
- The Hemispheres
- The Henchmen
- The Henchmen
- The Hendrix Alive Project
- The Hendrix Project
- The Hendrix Revolution Tour
- The Hengles
- The Henningsens
- The Henriettas
- The Henry Clay People
- The Henry Girls
- The Henry Millers
- The Hentchmen
- The Heptones
- The Herbaliser
- The Herbaliser Band
- The Herd of Main Street
- The Here and Now
- The Heretics
- The Hermits of Mink Halloween
- The Hero In Me
- The Hero Within
- The Heroes
- The Heroes
- The Heroine
- The Heroine Sheiks
- The Hesitations
- The Hess Collaboration
- The Hewils
- The Hexbreakers
- The Hey Fellows
- The Heyday
- The Heydaze
- The Heyz
- The Hi Strung Downers
- The Hi-Jivers
- The Hi-Q's
- The Hi-Rhythm Hustlers
- The Hi-Risers
- The Hi-Stakes
- The Hi-Tones
- The Hiatus Flux
- The Hibernauts
- The Hibernian Orchestra
- The Hickey Underworld
- The Hicks Canyon
- The Hics
- The Hidden Cameras
- The Hidden Yards
- The Hideaway Access
- The Hiding
- The Higglers
- The Higgs
- The High
- The High Council
- The High Court
- The High Curbs
- The High Definitions
- The High Dials
- The High Divers
- The High Drops
- The High Five
- The High Hawks
- The High Irons
- The High Kings
- The High Kings
- The High Loves
- The High Points
- The high society
- The High Speed Scene
- The High Strung
- The High Tides
- The High Tops
- The High Winds
- The Highbrow
- The Higher
- The Higher Concept
- The Higher Keys
- The Highest
- The Highest Low
- The Highest Order
- The Highlander Ibiza Reunion
- The Highstool Prophets
- The Highway
- The Highway Companion
- The Highway Kind
- The Highway Poets
- The Highwayman Show
- The Highwaymen Live
- The Highwaymen Tribute Show
- The Hilarious Basterds
- The Hilberry Brothers
- The Hildegard Knef
- The Hill
- The Hill and Wood
- The Hill Country Devil
- The Hill Country Revue
- The HillBenders
- The Hillbilly Moon Experience
- The Hillbilly Moon Explosion
- The Hillbilly Moonshiners
- The Hillbilly Thomists
- The Hillbilly Way
- The Hillstrand Brothers
- The Hillywood Show
- The Him
- The Hindenburg Project
- The Hindley Street Country Club
- The Hip Abduction
- The Hip Hop Comedy Tour
- The Hip Hop Nutcracker (Touring)
- The Hip Hop Orchestra
- The Hip-Pop Project
- The Hipnecks
- The Hipster Movement
- The Hipsters
- The Hipstones
- The Hired Hands Band
- The HIRS Collective
- The Hirsch Effekt
- The Hiss
- The History of Apple Pie
- The History of Drum & Bass
- The History of the City of Lynn - a Lecture
- The Hit
- The Hit Back
- The Hit Factory
- The Hit Men
- The Hit Squad
- The Hit System
- The Hit Ups
- The Hitchers
- The Hitchhiker
- The Hitmen & Her
- The HITS - Band
- The Hits of Motown
- The Hits of the Everly Brothers
- The Hitterbox
- The Hive Resort
- The Hives
- The Hives / Mando Diao / The Sounds
- The Hoa Hoa's
- The Hoax
- The Hobby Hangout
- The Hobies
- The Hobo Nephews of Uncle Frank
- The Hobosexuals
- The Hobs
- The Hodgetwins
- The Hog
- The Hog Stompers
- The Hogshead Horns
- The Hogslop String Band
- The Hold Outs
- The Hold Steady
- The Hold Up
- The Holdout
- The Holdup
- The Holiday in Concert
- The Holiday Plan
- The Holiday Reunion
- The Holidazed
- The Holifields
- The Hollands
- The Hollies
- The Hollow
- The Hollow Bodies
- The Hollow Ends
- The Hollow Glow
- The Hollow Party
- The Hollow Sound
- The Holloways
- The Holloways & the Wombats
- The Hollowpoints and the Mingers
- The Hollows
- The Holloys
- The Hollywood Blondes
- The Hollywood Kills
- The Hollywood Nightmares
- The Hollywood Show a Night At the Movies
- The Hollywood Stars
- The Holmes Brothers
- The Holophonics
- The Holy Alimonies
- The Holy Ghost Tabernacle Choir
- The Holy Guile
- The Holy Key Show
- The Holy Mess
- The Holy Modal Rounders
- The Holy Motors
- The Holy Toller Sideshow
- The Holydrug Couple
- The Home Alones
- The Home Crowd
- The Home Edit
- The Home Front
- The Home Team
- The Homegrown Hip Hop Showcase
- The Homel-Alaniz Band
- The Homesick
- The Homies
- The Homme
- The Homophones
- The Homoticons
- The Honest Heart Collective
- The Honey Brothers
- The Honey Dewdrops
- The Honey Empire
- The Honey Sliders
- The Honey Trees
- The Honeycutters
- The Honeydrops
- The Honeymoon Thrillers
- The Honeypots
- The Honeysticks
- The Honeysuckles
- The Honeyz
- The Hongs
- The Honky Tonk Dreamers
- The Honkys
- The Honkytonk Renovators
- The Honor System
- The Honorable South
- The Honorary Title
- The Honorifics
- The Honors
- The Hood Internet
- The Hoodie Life
- The Hoodoo Loungers
- The Hoodoo Rhythm Kings
- The Hoodoos
- The Hook
- The Hook Up
- The Hookers
- The Hooks
- The Hooligans Brass Band
- The Hooliganz
- The Hoolios
- The Hooplas
- The Hoosegow
- The Hoosiers
- The Hoot Hoots
- The Hooten Hallers
- The Hooters
- The Hooves
- The Hope Conspiracy
- The Hopefuls
- The Hopelessly Devoted
- The hOpening
- The Hopetoun Collective
- The Hoppers
- The Horde
- The Horde and the Harem
- The Horizon Bell
- The Horizontal Boogie Band
- The Hormonauts
- The Hormones
- The Horn Section
- The Hornblower Brothers
- The Horne Section
- The Horns of Happiness
- The Horrible Crowes
- The Horrible Department
- The Horrids
- The Horror Project
- The Horrors
- The Horrors You've Seen
- The Horse Company
- The Horse Flies
- The Horse Thieves
- The Horse-Eyed Men
- The Horse's Ha
- The Host Club
- The Hostile Apostles
- The Hosts
- The Hot At Nights
- The Hot BBQ
- The Hot Brown Get Down
- The Hot Caribbean Party
- The Hot Club of Jupiter
- The Hot Club of Reading
- The Hot Club of San Francisco
- The Hot Dots
- The Hot Jazz Gang
- The Hot Karl
- The Hot Knives
- The Hot Links
- The Hot Melts
- The Hot Moms
- The Hot Nut Riveters
- The Hot Puppies
- The Hot Rails
- The Hot Rod and Gun Club
- The Hot Rods
- The Hot Sardines
- The Hot Seats
- The Hot Sh*t All Stars
- The Hot Sprockets
- The Hot Strings
- The Hot Toddies
- The Hotcakes
- The Hotel Coral Essex
- The Hotel Year
- The Hotelier
- The Hotrats
- The Hots
- The Hotshot Freight Train
- The Hottest Hot August Night
- The Hounds
- The Hounds Below
- The Hourglass
- The Hours
- The Hours
- The House & Garage Orchestra
- The House Bandits
- The House Master Closing
- The House of Ladosha
- The House of Love
- The House of Yeezy
- The House On Cliff
- The House Party
- The House Popes
- The House Popes with Tripnotic
- The House That Ate the Cat
- The House That Gloria Vanderbilt
- The Houses