Browse Artists - T
- The Houston Highlanders
- The Howard Alden Trio
- The Howl
- The Howl & The Hum
- The Howlers
- The Howlin'
- The Howlin' Brothers
- The Howling
- The Howling Diablos
- The Howling Hex
- The Howling Tides
- The Howling Tongues
- The Howls
- The Hoy Polloy
- The Hoyle Brothers
- The Hsu-Nami
- The Hu
- The Hubbards
- The Hudson Branch
- The Hudson Horror
- The Hudson Landing
- The Hue
- The Huge Pontoons
- The Hula Monsters
- The Hum
- The Human Abstract
- The Human Body
- The Human Circuit
- The Human Condition
- The Human Experience
- The Human Highway
- The Human League
- The Human Project
- The Human Statues
- The Human Torch
- The Human Touch
- The Human Tragedy
- The Humane Beings
- The Humaniacs
- The Humanoids
- The Humans
- The Humans
- The Humans - Presented By UTEP Theatre & Dance
- The Humble
- The Humble Cheaters
- The Humble Hooligans
- The Humdrum Rebellion
- The Hummingbirds
- The Humps
- The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- The Hunchies
- The Hundred Acre Woods
- The Hundred Days
- The Hundred In the Hands
- The Hung Jury Band
- The Hunger Games Film with live orchestra
- The Hunger Games In Concert
- The Hunger Games: The Exhibition
- The Hungry Hungry Games
- The Hunky Newcomers
- The Hunna
- The Huns
- The Hunter Lawley Band
- The Hunters
- The Huntress And Holder of Hands
- The Hunts
- The Huron Carole
- The Hurricanes
- The Hush
- The Hush List
- The Hush Now
- The Hush Sound
- The Hussy
- The Hussys
- The Hustle Gang Family
- The Hut People
- The Hutchison Effect
- The Huxtables
- The Hydden
- The Hydra
- The Hydramatics
- The Hyena Kill
- The Hymnboy
- The Hype Theory
- The Hypnic Jerks
- The Hypnogerms
- The Hypnophonics
- The Hypnotic Eye
- The Hypnotics
- The Hypo Twins
- The Hypoxic Punks
- The Hypstrz
- The I Drive
- The I.S.H.
- The I*Ternals
- The Ian Fays
- The Ibiza Boat Party
- The Icarus Account
- The Icarus Line
- The Ice Choir
- The Iceland Symphony
- The Iceman Special
- The Icer Company + Virenque
- The Icicle Works
- The Iconettes
- The Iconic House of Ninja
- The Idan Raichel Project
- The Idea
- The Ideals
- The Identity Exhibit
- The Ides of March
- The Ides of March Festival
- The Idiot Rate
- The Idiot.
- The Idle Cedars
- The Idle Hands
- The Idle Kind
- The Idle Seeds
- The Idlewild String Confederation
- The Ignition System
- The Iguanas
- The iHeartRadio Ultimate Pool Party
- The Ike Reilly Assassination
- The Ikonics
- The Ill Itches
- The Illegals
- The Illicits
- The Illuminated
- The Illuminations
- The Illusion
- The Illusionists
- The Illusionists
- The Illusionists - Live From Broadway (Touring)
- The Illusionists - Magic of the Holidays (NY)
- The Illusionists - Magic of the Holidays (Touring)
- The Illusionists 2.0
- The Illusionists: Direct From Broadway
- The Illusions of Lawrence Khong
- The Illustrator
- The Illz
- The Image of Cliff Richard & the Shaddows
- The Imaginaries
- The Imaginary Invalid
- The Imaginary Radio Program
- The Imagined Village
- The Imagineers
- The Imitation Game
- The Immediate Family
- The Immersive Nutcracker: A Winter Miracle
- The Immigrants
- The Immortal Twins
- The Impalers
- The Impellers
- The Imperial
- The Imperial Crowns
- The Imperial Stormlooper
- The Imperial Surfers
- The Imperials
- The Impersonators
- The Implications
- The Importance of Being Earnest - NAC English Theatre
- The Impossible Green
- The Impossibles
- The Impressions
- The Imprints
- The Improbables
- The Improv
- The Improv Allstars
- The Improv at Harrah's Las Vegas
- The Improv At Resorts
- The Improv Bandits
- The Improv Conspiracy - Bear Attack
- The Improv Jam
- The Improvised Broadway Musical
- The Impulsive
- The In Crowd
- The In Out
- The In Thing
- The Inbreds
- The Incident
- The Incinerators
- The Inciters
- The Inclines
- The Incredible Herrengedeck
- The Incredible Mark Anthony As Prince Revelation
- The Incredible Roy Young
- The Incurables
- The Incyde
- The Indecent
- The Indelicates
- The Independents
- The Independents (NY)
- The Indestructible
- The India All Star Show
- The Indian All-Star Comedy Showcase
- The Indiana Drones
- The Indians
- The Indie Gigs
- The Indien
- The Indies
- The Indigo, the Crow Quill Night Owls
- The Indigos
- The Indobox
- The Indoor Garden Party
- The Inevitable Mr. Chris
- The Inevitables
- The Infadels
- The Infamous Dicks
- The Infamous Stringdusters
- The Infatuations
- The Infected
- The Infectuals
- The Infernos
- The Infinite Sadness
- The Infinities
- The Infinity Project
- The Infinity Ring
- The Influence
- The Informers
- The Infrasonics
- The Inhalers
- The Inheritance
- The Initiative
- The Ink Spots
- The Inner Circle Sessions - Pratibha Singh Baghel
- The Innocent
- The Inns
- The Ins & Outs
- The Inscape
- The Inside Is Live
- The Insomniacs
- The Insomniacs
- The Inspector Cluzo
- The Inspector General
- The Inspectors
- The Inspiration
- The Inspirations
- The Insurance Salesmen
- The Insurgence
- The Intellect Domain
- The Intelligence
- The Intelligent Design of Jenny Chow
- The Intense Tour
- The Intentions
- The Interbeing
- The Interest
- The Interest Group
- The Interlopers
- The International Beatles on the Beach Festival
- The International Dota 2 Championship
- The International Likes
- The international Magic Tenors
- The International Mighty Mushroom
- The International Psychodelic Blues Band
- The Internet
- The Interns
- The Interrobang : A Festival of Questions
- The Interrupters
- The Interrupters
- The Intersphere
- The Intimate MacHines
- The Intruders
- The Intrusion
- The Invaders Tour
- The Invaderz
- The Inventors
- The Invincible Czars
- The Invisible
- The Invisible Cities
- The Invisible Dot
- The Invisible Man Corporation
- The Invisible Rays
- The Invite
- The Invocation
- The Involuntary's
- The Irenes
- The Irie
- The Iris
- The Irish Descendants
- The Irish Festival of Oulu
- The Irish Folk Festival
- The Irish House Party
- The Irish Music Industry Podcast
- The Irish Mutts
- The Irish Passport
- The Irish Rolling Stones
- The Irish Rovers
- The Irish Vikings
- The Irish Wild Rovers
- The Iron Maidens
- The Iron Outlaws
- The Iron Roses
- The Irons
- The Irrational Library
- The Irrelevant Show
- The Irrepressibles
- The Isaacs
- The Ish
- the island - Die Show Deiner Träume!
- The Island Dwellers
- The Island Festival
- The Island of Misfit Toys
- The Islanders
- The Isles
- The Isley Brothers
- The IsoLate Late Show LIVE!
- The Isotopes
- The IT Band
- The Ital Plate
- The Italian Laugh Pack
- The Itals
- The Ivan Drever Band
- The Ivey Divey Trio
- The Ivories
- The Ivory Theory
- The Ivorys
- The Ivy
- The Ivy League
- The Izzys
- The J Carl Smith Project
- The J. Geils Band
- The J.U.S. Evolution
- The Jack
- The Jack Dewitt Band
- The Jack Lords Orchestra
- The Jack Moves
- The Jack Stevens Band
- The Jack Tyson Charles Band
- The Jacka
- The Jackets
- The Jackmans
- The Jacks
- The Jackson Howard Band
- The Jackson Sisters
- The Jackson Taylor Band
- The Jacksons
- The Jacksons & Sister Sledge
- The Jacksonville Blues Festival
- The Jacobins
- The Jacques
- The Jaded Hearts Club Band
- The Jaded Salingers
- The Jag
- The JAG
- The Jagaloons
- The Jagerbombs
- The Jaggerz
- The Jaguar Club
- The Jaguars
- The Jailbirds
- The Jailbreakers
- The Jake Deringer Project
- The Jake Leggs
- The Jakob's Ferry Stragglers
- The Jaks
- The Jam
- The Jam Incident
- The Jam Society - Alternative Comedy Night
- The Jam Stampede
- The Jamd
- The James Brown Dance Party
- The James Brown Experience
- The James Brown Experience
- The James Brown Soul Revue
- The James Brown Tribute Show
- The James Douglass Show
- The James Gang
- The James Hunter Six
- The James Hunter Six Jo Buddy Down Home
- The James Shelton Band
- The James Younger Gang
- The Jamfest
- The Jamm
- The Jamm and Paul Weller Connexion
- The Jammy Awards
- The Jane Doze
- The Jane Shermans
- the JaneDear girls
- The Janes
- The Janks
- The Janoskians
- The Janoskians
- The Jans Project
- The Jantiques
- The January Lanterns
- The Japanese House
- The Japanese Popstars
- The Japans
- The Japhies
- The Jardines
- The Jared Grimes Feel
- The Jared Stout Band
- The Jason Donovan Band
- The Jasons
- The Jauntee
- The Jawnettes
- The Jawnz
- The Jay Birds
- The Jay Rakes Band
- The Jay Rayner Quartet
- The Jay Rayner Sextet
- The Jay Vons
- The Jayhawks
- The Jayplayers
- The Jazz Animals
- The Jazz Arts Group
- The Jazz Butcher
- The Jazz Crusaders
- The Jazz Epistles
- The Jazz Experience
- The Jazz Gala
- The Jazz Legend
- The Jazz Lounge
- The Jazz Mandolin Project
- The Jazz Masters
- The Jazz Preachers - a Tribute to the 50's
- The Jazzschool Studio Band
- The Jazztronauts
- The JB Conspiracy
- The JB Experience
- The JBs
- The JCQ
- The JD Edwards Band
- The Jealous Sea
- The Jealous Sound
- The Jean Genies
- The Jed Craddock Band
- The Jeff Hamilton Trio
- The Jeff Healey Alumni Band
- The Jeff Healey Band
- The Jeff Sipe Trio
- The Jefferson Jay Band
- The Jeffs
- The Jellies
- The Jello Boys
- The Jelly Jam
- The Jelly Roll Men
- The Jellybricks
- The Jellymans Daughter
- The Jena 6 Empowerment Concert
- The Jenkins Brothers
- The Jennifer Leitham Trio
- The Jensen Sisters
- The Jeremiah Johnson Band
- The Jeremiahs
- The Jeremy Days
- The Jeremy Edge Project
- The Jergers
- The Jericho Harlot
- The Jerks
- The Jerky Boys
- The Jerry Cans
- The Jerry Douglas Band
- The Jerry Herman Awards
- The Jerry Hormone Ego Trip
- The Jersey Beat Band
- The Jersey Beats - Oh What A Nite!
- The Jersey Doors
- The Jersey Four - Frankie and the Four Seasons Tribute
- The Jersey Syndicate
- The Jersey Tenors
- The Jerseys: Tribute Act to Frankie Valli
- The Jesse Greene Band
- The Jessica Stuart Few
- The Jessie Awards
- The Jessie Rose Trip
- The Jessies
- The Jesus and Mary Chain
- the Jesus Lizard
- The Jesus Rehab
- The Jet Age
- The Jet Rodriguez
- The Jet Stole Home
- The Jetaways
- The Jetbeats
- The Jets
- The Jettison Commitment
- The Jewel In Concert
- The Jezabels
- The Jezebel Sextet
- The Jigsaw Seen
- The Jill Warhol Band
- The Jim Basnight Band
- The Jim Cuddy Band
- The Jim Dandies
- The Jim Healey Band
- The Jim Henson Retrospectacle Film Fortnight
- The Jim Jones Revue
- The Jim Stafford Show
- The Jimi Hendrix Experience / Clapton & Cream
- The Jimi Hendrix Music Festival
- The Jimi Vincent Band
- The Jimiller Band
- The Jimmy Cake
- The Jimmy Weeks Project
- The Jimmys
- The Jingleberries
- The Jinkx & DeLa Holiday Show
- The Jins