Browse Artists - T
- The Brood
- The Brook & The Bluff
- The Brooklyn Allstars
- The Brooklyn Boys
- The Brooklyn Enigma
- The Brooklyn Nutcracker
- The Brooklyn What
- The Brooklyns
- The Brooks
- The Bros. Landreth
- The Brother Brothers
- The Brother Kite
- The Brother's Band
- The Brother's Sessions
- The Brothers
- The Brothers Allmanac
- The Brothers Bowlby
- The Brothers Comatose
- The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon
- The Brothers Gross
- The Brothers Johnson
- The Brothers Kaschak
- The Brothers Macklovitch
- The Brothers Macklovitch
- The Brothers McMahon
- The Brothers of Barabas
- The Brothers of Mercy
- The Brothers of Mother Shovel
- The Brothers Project
- The Brothers Starrace
- The Brothers Unconnected
- The Brothers Will
- The Brothers Yee
- The Brothers: A Tribute to the Allman Brothers
- The Brought Low
- The Brought Low Sun Gods In Exile
- The Brown Bottle Flu
- The Brown Brothers
- The Brown Edition
- The Brown Tones
- The Brownchicken Browncow String Band
- The Browne Sisters and George Cavanaugh
- The Brownies
- The Browning
- The Browning Version
- The Browns
- The Browns
- The Bruce Lee Band
- The Bruce Springsteen Experience
- The Bruceband
- The Bruisers
- The Bruises
- The Brummies
- The Brummy Brothers
- The Brunettes
- The Brute Chorus
- The Brutes
- The Bruuds
- The Bryan Adams Experience
- The Buckinghams
- The Buckleys
- The Buckshot Hounds
- The Bucktown Allstars
- The Bud Light River City Rockfest
- The Buddha of Suburbia
- The Buddhahood
- The Buddhi
- The Buddies
- The Buddy Holly Concert Heine Totland
- The Buddy Holly Revue
- The Buddy O'Reilly Band
- The Buddy RIch Band
- The Budos Band
- The Buffalo Dolls
- The Buffalo Ruckus
- The Buffalo Ryders
- The Buffalo Shuffle
- The Buffalo Skinners
- The Buffers
- The Bug
- The Bug Club
- The Bug Hounds
- The Buggles
- The Bugs
- The Buicks
- The Builders and the Butchers
- The Building
- The Bul Bey
- The Bulemics
- The Bull's Santa Jam
- The Bulletproof Bomb
- The Bulletproof Lincolns
- The Bulletproof Tiger
- The Bullhounds
- The Bullitts
- The Bullys
- The Bum Clocks
- The Bummers
- The Bumper Jacksons
- The Bumpus Hounds
- The Bunny Gang
- The Bunny the Bear
- The Buoys
- The Burbs
- The Burden
- The Bureau
- The Bureau Festival
- The Burgeoning
- The Burgundy Collective
- The Burial
- The Burial Plot
- The Buried Life
- The Buried Wires
- The Burkharts
- The Burlies
- The Burned
- The Burners Uk
- The Burney Sisters
- The Burning Crows
- The Burning Doors
- The Burning Hell
- The Burning Hotels
- The Burning of Rome
- The Burning Peppermints
- The Burning River Ramblers
- The Burnouts
- The Burns Unit
- The Burnsville Band
- The Burnt City
- The Burroughs
- The Burrows
- The Burrows 4
- The Burst and Bloom
- The Burt Bacharach Songbook in Concert
- The Bus
- The Bus Trip
- The BusBoys
- The Bushmen
- The Bushwackers
- The Bushwick Book Club
- The Business
- The Business
- The Business End
- The Business Fairy
- The Business Partners
- The Business People
- The Business Scaling Event
- The Busters
- The Busy Twist
- The Butanes Soul Revue
- The Butcher Sisters
- The Butcher’s Rodeo
- The Butchering
- The Butlers
- The Butter Notes
- The Buttercream Gang
- The Butterfly Culture
- The Butterfly Effect
- The Buttertones
- The Button South Reunion
- The Buttress
- The Buzz Lovers
- The By Gods
- The Bye and Byes
- The Bye Bye Blackbirds
- The Bygones
- The Bynars
- The Byrne Brothers
- The C.I.T.Y. Band
- The C33's
- The C90s
- The Cab
- The Cabana Kids
- The Cabin Collective
- The Cabin Project
- The Cabin Sisters
- The Cabriolets
- The Cactus Blossoms
- The Cadbury Sisters
- The Cadillac Black
- The Cadillac Bombers
- The Cadillac Cowboys
- The Cadillac Lounge Ultra-Club Experience Package Presented by Cadillac
- The Cadillac Three
- The Cadillacs
- The Cado
- The Caezars
- The Cage
- The Cageless Birds
- The Cairo Gang
- The Cake and Bake Show
- The Calamari Sisters
- The Calamity Cubes
- The Calamity Janes
- The Calder Quartet
- The Caledonia Concert
- The Calendar Act
- The Calendars
- The Cali Dance Festival
- The Caliber Band
- The California Honeydrops
- The Californian
- The Call Out
- The Callaway Sisters
- The Calling
- The Callous Daoboys
- The Callous Stars
- The Calm
- The Calm Blue Sea
- The CalPhonics
- The Cambion
- The Cambridge Club Festival
- The Cambridge Impronauts
- The Camp
- The Campaign 1984
- The Campbell Brothers
- The Can't Nots
- The Can't Tells
- The Canadian Arabic Orchestra
- The Canary Promise
- The Cancellations
- The Candescents
- The Candlelit Concert
- The Candles
- The Candy Apples
- The Candy Darlings
- The Candy Dulfer Band
- The Candymakers
- The Candyskins
- The Canes
- The Cannanes
- The Cannoneers
- The Canoes
- The Canon Logic
- The Canote Brothers
- The Cantina - A Star Wars Dance Party
- The Canton Spirituals
- The Cantstanjas
- The Canvas Waiting
- The Cape Town Funny Festival
- The Capers
- The Capital Celebrates: New Year’s Eve
- The Capital Dance Orchestra
- The Capital Hearings
- The Capital Pride Concert Band
- The Capitalist Kids
- The Capitol
- The Capitol Center Jazz Orchestra
- The Capitol Fools
- The Capitol Steps
- The Capones
- The Caprenters of Kempsey
- The Capris
- The Capstan Shafts
- The Captain
- The Captain Hat
- The Captain Hates the Sea
- The Captain Legendary Band
- The Captain Midnight Band
- The Captain The Pilot The Driver
- The Captain’s Son
- The Caption
- The Capulet's
- The Car Thief
- The Caravans
- The Carbon Copy
- The Carbons
- The Carboys
- The Carburetors
- The Cardboard Cutouts
- The Cardigans
- The Cardinal Points
- The Cardinal Sins
- The Cardinals
- The Cards
- The Caribbean
- The Carleans
- The Carlos Blues Experience
- The Carlos Rock Experience
- The Carmina Burana Choral Project
- The Carnaby's
- The Carnations & Magnetic Mind
- The Carnegie Hall Jazz Band
- The Carnival Band
- The Carnival Brothers
- The Carnival of Chaos
- The Carnival Parade
- The Carpenter Ants
- The Carpenter's Story
- The Carpenters - a Celebration
- The Carpenters Experience
- The Carpenters Tribute
- The Carper Family
- The Carpet Crawlers
- The Carrier
- The Carrivick Sisters
- The Carry-Ons
- The Cars
- The Carter Twins
- The Cartoons
- The Cartunes
- The Cartwright Brothers
- The Case
- The Casey Crew
- The Cash Box Kings
- The Cash Legacy
- The Cashbags
- The Cashmen
- The Casket Creatures
- The Casket Kids
- The Casket Lottery
- The Casket Showroom
- The Casper Fight Scene
- The Cassaday Concoction
- The Cassandra Complex
- The Cast of Cheers
- The Cast Pattern
- The Castellows
- The Casting Out
- The Castle Is a Tomb
- The Castle Walls
- The Castor Troys
- The Castros
- The Casual
- The Casual Kings
- The Casuals
- The Casualties
- The Casualties of Jazz
- The Cat Club
- The Cat Empire
- The Cat From Hue
- The Cat In The Hat: Smart Stage Matinee Series
- The Cat Pack
- The Catalinas
- The Catalyst
- The Catalysts
- The Cataracs
- The Catastrophe
- The Catburglars
- The Catching
- The Catharsis
- The Cathedrals
- The Cathy Santonies
- The Cats
- The Cats in the House
- The Caufield Sisters
- The Caught Flies
- The Cauldfield Beats
- The Caulfields
- The Cause
- The Caution Children
- The Cavalier Attitude
- The Cavalry
- The Cavalry Is Us
- The Cave
- The Cave Singers
- The Cave Sound Preservation Society
- The Cavebones
- The Cavem Beatles
- The Cavemen
- The Cavemen.
- The Cavern Beat
- The Cavern Beatles
- The Cavern Beatles
- The Cavern Beatles - 50th Anniversary of The Summer of Love
- The Caverners
- The Caves
- The Cavves
- The Cecelia String Quartet
- The Cedar Family Series
- The Cedars
- The Ceilidh Club
- The Ceiling Stares
- The Celebration Gospel Choir
- The Celebration of Swing
- The Celebrator
- The Celebrity Allstars
- The Celebrity Pilots
- The Celestial Obomination
- The Cell Phones
- The Cellar and Point
- The Cells
- The Celtic Gypsys
- The Celtniks
- The Celts
- The Centimes
- The Central Valley Boys
- The CEO
- The Ceremonies
- The Cerny Brothers
- The Certain Three
- The Cezaers
- The Chad Sipes Stereo
- The Chain
- The Chain : a Fleetwood Mac Tribute
- The Chain Gang
- The Chain Gang of 1974
- The Chainsmokers
- The Chair
- The Chairman
- The Chakras
- The Chalets
- The Chalkboyz
- The Chamanas
- The Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia
- The Chamber Players of Canada
- The Chamber Strings
- The Chambers
- The Chambers Brothers
- The Chameleon Project
- The Chameleons
- The Champagne Hookers
- The Champion and His Burning Flame
- The Champions Tour
- The Championship Tour
- The Chanclettes
- The Change
- The Change Up
- The Changeling
- The Changes
- The Channel Reunion Concert
- The Channels
- The Chantel McGregor Band
- The Chantepleures
- The Chantoozies
- The Chantrelles
- The Chap
- The Chapin Family
- The Chapin Sisters
- The Chapman Family
- The Chappaqua Orchestra
- The Chardon Polka Band
- The Chariot
- The Charities
- The Charlatans
- The Charlatans & Johnny Marr
- The Charlatans UK
- The Charles Lloyd New Quartet
- The Charles Warren Orchestra
- The Charleston Christmas Special
- The Charley Boorman Show
- The Charlie Awards
- The Charlie Daniels Band
- The Charlie Hodge Variety Show
- The Charlie Muncaster Band
- The Charlie Parker Legacy Band
- The Charm Offensive
- The Charm Offensive
- The Charm the Fury
- The Charming Gardeners
- The Charms
- The Chase
- The Chase Brothers
- The Chase Experiment
- The Chase Tyler Band
- The Chaser
- The Chasers
- The Chasm
- The Chats
- The Chatterband
- The Cheap Dates
- The Cheap Suit Serenaders
- The Cheap Thrills
- The Cheap Wimps
- The Cheapest Word
- The Cheaters
- The Cheathams
- The Cheating Popes
- The Checks
- The Chee Weez
- The Cheek
- The Cheek + Apples
- The Cheeks
- The Cheeky Girls
- The Cheeky Guide To Love
- The Cheer'ly Men
- The Cheeseballs
- The Cheesebrokers
- The Cheetah Girls
- The Chelsea Curve
- The Chelsea Kills
- The Chelsea Smiles
- The Chemically Imbalanced
- The Cher Show (Chicago)
- The Cher Show (Touring)
- The Cherry Valence
- The Chevin
- The Chewy Center
- The Cheyenne Line
- The Chi-Lites
- The Chi-Lites feat. Marshall Thompson
- The Chicago Authority
- The Chicago Blues Brothers
- The Chicago Experience
- The Chicago Funk
- The Chicago Hitmakers
- The Chicago Rovers
- The Chicago Six