Browse Artists - T
- The Chicago Theatre Tour Experience
- The Chicago Typewriters
- The Chicarones
- The Chickenhawks
- The Chicks
- The Chief Marketing Officers
- The Chieftains
- The Chiffons
- The Child Echo
- The Child Forgives and Creates
- The Children's Ballet of San Antonio
- The Children's Cheering Carpet
- The Childs Ballads
- The Chili Poppers
- The Chili Poppers
- The Chill 5 White Masquerade Ball
- The Chill Flow
- The Chills
- The Chilluns
- The Chimpz
- The Chinese Drywall Band
- The Chinstraps
- The Chisel
- The Chocolate Experience
- The Chocolate Horse
- The Chocolate Hot Pockets
- The Choice
- The Choir
- The Choir - Band
- THE CHOIR by ABBA the Museum
- The Choir Of Man
- The Choir of St John's College Cambridge
- The Chop Sueys
- The Chord Buddies
- The Chordaes
- The Chordettes
- The Chords UK
- The Choreographer's Ball
- The Chosen Ones
- The Chris Buck Band
- The Chris Gardner Band
- The Chris O'Leary Band
- The Chris Sagan Project
- The Chris Sheehan Appreciation Night
- The Chris Stapleton Experience
- The Chris Thomas Band
- The Chrissie Crow Band
- The Christi Show featuring Ms. Shirleen
- The Christianaires
- The Christians
- The Christmas Club
- The Christmas Jam
- The Christmas Show
- The Christmasaurus
- The Christopher Brothers
- The Chroma Concept
- The Chromatics
- The Chrome Brothers
- The Chronic Horns
- The Chronicles of Narnia: the Exhibition
- The Chronologic
- The Chrystal Ball
- The Chuck Brown Band
- The Chuck Norris Experiment
- The Chuck Shaffer Picture Show
- The Chuck Wagon Gang
- The Chuckleberrys
- The Chumps
- The Chupacobras
- The Church
- The Church
- The Church Berlin
- The Church London
- The Church Sisters
- The Cigarettes
- The Cigarittes
- The Cimarons
- The Cinelli Brothers
- The Cinematic Orchestra
- The Cinematics
- The Cineramas
- The Cineson All-Stars
- The Cinnamon Fuzz
- The Circle View
- The Circles
- The Circuits
- The Circus
- The Circus In Your Town
- The Circus of Horrors Extreme
- The Citie
- The Citizens Band
- The Citrucel Animation Film Festival
- The City
- The City Above
- The City and Horses
- The City And Us
- The City Calls
- The City Champs
- The City Harmonic
- The City Lights Orchestra
- The City Music Project
- The City of God
- The City On Film
- The City Streets
- The Citys Last Noise
- The Civic Tours
- The Civil Wars
- The Civilization Choir
- The Civilizations Choir of Antakya
- The Claim
- The Clairvoyants
- The Clams
- The Clancy Legacy
- The Clang Quartet
- The Clap
- The Clapton Experience
- The Claque
- The Clarence Light Orchestra
- The Clark Schuldmann Duo
- The Clarks
- The Clash
- The Clash - Classic X Hiphop
- The Clash for Cash
- The Clash In Dub
- The Clash of the Cover Bands
- The Class
- The Class Acts
- The Class Assassins
- The Class of '68
- The Classic
- The Classic Beatles
- The Classic Crime
- The Classic East
- The Classic Imperials
- The Classic Northwest
- The Classic Rock Experience
- The Classic Rock n' Blues Show
- The Classic Rock Tribute Show
- The Classic West
- The Classical
- The Classical Proms
- The Classical Theatre of Harlem
- The Classics
- The Classics IV
- The Classless
- The Classy Ladies
- The Claudettes
- The Clause
- The Claw
- The Clay Wilson Band
- The Claypool Lennon Delirium
- The Clayton Miller Band
- The Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra
- The Clean
- The Clean Machine
- The Clem Clempson Band
- The Clement Peerens Explosition
- The Cleopatra Complex
- The Cleopatras
- The Clergymen
- The Cleveland Magazine Best of Cleveland Party
- The Clever Criminals
- The Cleverlys
- The Click Clack Boom
- The Click Five
- The Clicks
- The Clientele
- The Clients
- The Cliffords
- The Cliffs
- The Cliffters
- The Cliftones
- The Cliks
- The Climb
- The Climb Jazz Concert
- The Clinch Mt. Boys
- The Clintons
- The Clique
- The Cloak & Dagger Club
- The Cloak Ox
- The Clockworks
- The Clone Roses
- The Clone Tones
- The Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan
- The Cloud Room
- The Clouds Are Ghosts
- The Clowder
- The Clox
- The Club
- The Club at the Neptune
- The Club Camyuva Night
- The Clubhouse
- The Clubhouse
- The Clubs
- The Clumps
- The Clusters
- The Clutter
- The Clutters
- The Clyde Project
- The Clydes
- The Coal Cave Hollow Boys
- The Coal Men
- The Coalboilers
- The Coast
- The Coast Is Ours
- The Coasters
- The Coathangers
- The Coats
- The Cobbs
- The Cobrahawks
- The Cocanuts
- The Cockabilly Records Tour
- The Coco-Nuts Island Show
- The Cocoa Butter Club
- The Code
- The Codega
- The Codes
- The Cody Austin Band
- The Cody Rentas Band
- The Cody Sisters
- The Coffee Music Project
- The Coffin Daggers
- The Coffinshakers
- The Coffis Brothers
- The Cogo
- The Coils
- The Cold and Lovely
- The Cold Blood Club
- The Cold Casuals
- The Cold Cuts
- The Cold Desert
- The Cold Fire
- The Cold Hard Cash Show - Johnny Cash Tribute
- The Cold Mourning
- The Cold Open
- The Cold Roses
- The Cold Seas
- The Cold Stares
- The Cold Start
- The Cold Vein
- The Cold Water Electric
- The Coldest Feast Ever
- The Coleman Jernigan Project
- The Colin Adams Band
- The Colin Decker Free Fall
- The Collection
- The Collective
- The Collective Abroad
- The Collective Hip Hop Showcase
- The Colleen and Josh Show
- The Collegiate Chorale
- The Colliding
- The Collingsworth Family
- The Collingwood
- The Colonel
- The Colonels
- The Colonies
- The Color 8
- The Color and Sound
- The Color Bars
- The Color Film
- The Color Fleet
- The Color Forty Nine
- The Color Fred
- The Color Morale
- The Color of Character
- The Color Ones
- The Color Red
- The Color Run (København)
- The Color Wild
- The Colorado Military Taptoo
- The Colossal Heads
- The Colossals
- The Colour
- The Colour and The Shape Band
- The Colour Movement
- The Colour Negative
- The Colour of Amber
- The Colour Organs
- The Colourflies
- The Colourful Band
- The Colourist
- The Colours
- The Coloursound
- The Coltranes
- The Colts
- The Columbines
- The Coma Boys
- The Comancheros
- The Comas
- The Comb Down
- The Come Up
- The Comeback
- The Comeback
- The Comedian
- The Comedian Harmonists
- The Comedian's Comedy
- The Comedians
- The Comedians You Should Know Show
- The Comedy About Spies
- The Comedy and Country Show
- The Comedy Experience
- The Comedy Festival
- The Comedy Gallery Berlin
- The Comedy Get Down
- The Comedy Lounge
- The Comedy Network
- The Comedy of Errors
- The Comedy Shrine Family Show
- The Comedy Stop
- The Comedy Store
- The Comedy Store @ Bolton Arena
- The Comedy Store Players
- The Comedy Zone MICF
- The Comedysportz Crew Meets Sleeping Beauty
- The Comet Is Coming
- The Comets
- The Comic Strippers
- The Coming Back Out Salon
- The Commander Cody Band
- The Commandos
- The Commercials
- The Commitments
- The Commitments
- The Committed
- The Committee
- The Common Cold
- The Common Deer
- The Common Empire
- The Common Good
- The Common Linnets
- The Common Room
- The Common Tiger
- The Common Wealth
- The Commoners
- The Commonheart
- The Commonjets
- The Commonwealth
- The Commotions
- The Commuters
- The Como Brothers
- The Como Brothers Band
- The Como La Flor Band
- The Como Mamas
- The Company Corvette
- The Company Men
- The Company Stores
- The Company We Keep
- The Complaints
- The Compleatles - Sverige Basta Beatles-Tributeband
- The Complete Last Waltz
- The Complete Old Blind Dogs
- The Complete Unknowns
- The Composure
- The Compozers
- The Compressions
- The Compromise
- The Compulsions
- The Computers
- The Comsat Angels
- The Concept
- The Concept of Breathing
- The Concert Across America To End Gun Violence
- The Concert For Bangladesh
- The Concert for Peace and Justice
- The Concert for Sandy Relief
- The Concert For The Rainforest Fund
- The Concert To Restore Michigan
- The Concert: A Tribute To ABBA
- The Concert: A Tribute To ABBA
- The Concerts At Wente Vineyards
- The Concrete Project
- The Concrete Rivals
- The Concretes
- The Concussions
- The Condors
- The Conductor and Me
- The Conductor and the Creator
- The Conductor's and Lecture
- The Coney Island Babies
- The Coney Islands Playboys
- The Confabulation
- The Confessions of Gordon Brown
- The Confetti Acai
- The Conformist
- The Congo Allstars
- The Congos
- The Congregation
- The Congress
- The Conmitments
- The Connection
- The Connectors
- The Connells
- The Connors Brothers
- The Conquerors
- The Conservative Convention
- The Consolation
- The Console Concert
- The Consonance
- The Consortium MMT:The Epitome of Soul Award
- The Conspiracy
- The Conspiracy of Spring
- The Conspiracy Show
- The Conspirators
- The Constant
- The Constellations
- The Consumer
- The Contagious
- The Contenders
- The Contortionist
- The Contour Line
- The Contours featuring Sylvester Potts
- The Contraband Countryband
- The Contrabandits
- The Contraverse
- The Control
- The Control Group
- The Convalescence
- The Convent
- The Conversations
- The Convictions
- The Coo Coo Birds
- The Coodabeen Champions Live
- The Cook County Fair
- The Cookers
- The Cookies
- The Cookout
- The Cool Greenhouse
- The Cool Kids
- The Cool Quest
- The Cool Sheiks
- The Cool Trance
- The Cooler Sessions
- The Coolin' System
- The Cooling Time
- The Coolness
- The Coop
- The Cooper Brothers
- The Cooper Temple Clause
- The Coopers
- The Cooties
- The Coovers
- The Cope
- The Copenhagen Soul Trio feat Niels HP
- The Copper Children
- The Copper Gamins
- The Copper States
- The Copper Tones
- The Coppertone
- The Coppertones
- The Cops
- The Copyrights
- The Coral
- The Coral Reefer Band
- The Corbitt Brothers
- The Cordial Sins
- The Corduroy Mason Band
- The Corduroy Suit
- The Core
- The Corin Tucker Band
- The Corn Fed Girls
- The Cornell Gunter Coasters
- The Corner Club
- The Corner Funk Allstars
- The Corner Laughers
- The Cornerstone
- The Cornfed Project
- The Cornfield Mafia
- The Cornshed Sisters
- The Coronas
- The Coronation Concert
- The Corps
- The Corpse (PL)
- The Corrections
- The Correspondents
- The Corrs
- The Cortege
- The Cortlandt Homes
- The Cory Grinder Band
- The Cosmic Blues Party
- The Cosmic Carnival
- The Cosmic Coronas
- The Cosmic Country Ball
- The Cosmic Cousin Trio
- The Cosmic Dead
- The Cosmopolitan Spring Concert Series
- The Cosmopolitan Upsell
- The Cosmos
- The Cost
- The Costellos
- The COTA Classic
- The Coteries
- The Cottars
- The Couch Jumpers
- The Cougs
- The Coulter/Phillips Ensemble
- The Council