Browse Artists - T
- The Councilmen
- The Counselors
- The Count & Sinden
- The Counterfeit Sixties
- The Counterfeit Stones
- The Counterfeiters
- The Counterfictionals
- The Countess
- The Country
- The Country Adjustment Band
- The Country Club
- The Country Devils
- The Country Doctors
- The Country Fair
- The Country Fest
- The Country Jamboree
- The Country Mourns
- The Country Music Experience
- The Country of Miracles
- The Country Round Up
- The Country Side of Harmonica Sam
- The Country Wife
- The Couny
- The Coup
- The Courage
- The Courettes
- The Coursing
- The Court & Spark
- The Courtauld Gallery
- The Courtbetweeners
- The Courteeners
- The Courtesy Tier
- The Courtney Janes
- The Courtneys
- The Covasettes
- The Cover Girls
- The Cover Girls
- The Cover Up
- The Coverlettes
- The Covert Operation
- The Coverups
- The Covery
- The Covids
- The Cowans
- The Coward Flowers
- The Cowards
- The Cowboy Band
- The Cowboy Comedian James Gleason
- The Cowboy Relics
- The Cowmen
- The Cowsills
- The Coy Dogs
- The Crabb Family
- The Crack Horse
- The Crack Pipes
- The Cracked Belles
- The Crackling
- The Cradle
- The Craic Brothers
- The Craig
- The Craig Lewis Band
- The Cramatics
- The Cran Tangerines
- The Cranberries
- The Cranberry Show
- The Crane Wives
- The Cranks
- The Crash
- The Crash Bandits
- The Crashers
- The Crashers Band
- The Crashing
- The Crave
- The Craven Braves
- The Crawdaddies
- The Crawfish Music Festival
- The Crawlin' Kingsnakes
- The Crawling
- The Crayon Fields
- The Crayon Set
- The Crazy Carls
- The Crazy Rockers
- The Crazy Train
- The Crazy World of Arthur Brown
- The Creak
- The Cream Tangerines
- The Creame Experience
- The Creapers
- The Creation Factory
- The Creator
- The Creators of S.O.A.P. In Concert
- The Creature From Dell Pond
- The Creature Preachers
- The Creatures
- The Creek Brothers
- The Creekwater Junkies
- The Creeps
- The Creepshow
- The Creepy Creeps
- The Creetons
- The Creme Tangerine Strings
- The Crest Children
- The Cretins
- The Cribs
- The Crickets
- The Crickets
- The Crime Pack
- The Crimea
- The Criminals
- The Crimson Armada
- The Crimson Pirates
- The Crimson Projekct
- The Cringe
- The Crisis Team
- The Criticals
- The Croaks
- The Crombies
- The Cronenbergs
- The Crooked Brothers
- The Crooked Clef
- The Crooked Empire
- The Crooked Fiddle Band
- The Crooked Jades
- The Crooked Rugs
- The Crookes
- The Crooner
- The Crossing
- The Crossing Place
- The CrossRhodes
- The Crowd
- The Crowded Table
- The Crown
- The Crown - Live!
- The Crown and Two Chairmen
- The Crown Jewels
- The Crown Jewels
- The Crown-Live! (Chicago)
- The Crowned
- The Crowning
- The Crucified
- The Cruddy Crankerz
- The Crudes
- The Crue - A Motley Crue Tribute Experience
- The Crüe - A Mötley Crüe Tribute Experience
- The CRUE Tribute Houston
- The Cruel Intentions
- The Cruel Knives
- The Cruel Sea
- The Cruise Package - Ruoff Music Center
- The Crumbs
- The Crumpler Family
- The Crunch
- The Crusaders
- The Crush
- The Crushing Low
- The Crux
- The Crüxshadows
- The Cruzeros
- The Cry!
- The Cryan' Shames
- The Cryers
- The Crying Nudes
- The Crying Shame
- The Crying Spell
- The Crypt
- The Cryptics
- The Cryptkeeper Five
- The Crystal Ark
- The Crystal Blue Band
- The Crystal Casino Band
- The Crystal Maze
- The Crystal Plamondon Band
- The Crystal Uranium Laser Tree
- The Crystals
- The CTS Band
- The Cuban Brothers
- The Cuban Latin Jazz
- The Cuban Missiles
- The Cube Guys
- The Cubical
- The Cuckoos
- The Cult
- The Cult of one
- The Cultivation
- The Cultured
- The Cumberland Collective
- The Cundeez
- The Cunning
- The Cure
- The Cured
- The Cureheads
- The Curios
- The Curious Bards
- The Curious Incident
- The Curious Incident of the Dog In the Night-Time (Touring)
- The Curious Mystery
- The Curls
- The Currie Brothers
- The Currys
- The Curse
- The Curse of Western Culture
- The Curtains
- The Curtis Mayflower
- The Cuss
- The Customers
- The Cut Losses
- The Cut Throat Razors
- The Cut Up Cult
- The Cutaway
- The Cute Lepers
- The Cutkelvins
- The Cutting Edge
- The Cutting Heads
- The Cyberiam
- The Cybertronic Spree
- The Cybin Project
- The Cynics
- The Cynz
- The Cypress Band
- The Cyrkle
- The D-Drifters
- The D-Rays
- The D. Rangers
- The D.A.
- The D.A.M Trilogy
- The D.O.C.
- The D.o.t
- The Da Vinci Code
- The Da Vinci MacHines
- The Dad Horse Experience
- The Dadbots
- The Daddyos
- The Daffys
- The Dagger Rebellion
- The Daggermouth Spectacular
- The Dahls
- The Dahmers
- The Dahus
- The Daily Fare
- The Daily Grind
- The Daily Howl
- The Daily Pravda
- The Daily Show
- The Daily Show Writers
- The Daintees
- The Dales
- The Daley Grimes
- The Dallas Martin Band
- The Dallas Moore Band
- The Dallas Movement
- The Dalles
- The Daltons
- The Dam Busters with Dan Snow
- The Damage Manual
- The Damaged
- The Damaged Pies
- The Dame
- The Dames
- The Dammit
- The Damn Choir
- The Damn Garrison
- The Damn Quails
- The Damn Torpedoes - Tribute to Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
- The Damn Tracks
- The Damn Truth
- The Damned
- The Damned
- The Damned and Dirty
- The Damned Few
- The Damned Things
- The Damnits
- The Damnwells
- The Damon Hamilton Project
- The Damosellas
- The Dan Band
- The Dan Haerle Quartet
- The Dan Wallace Quartet
- The Dana Fuchs Band
- The Danbees
- The Danberrys
- The Dance Party
- The Dancers
- The Dancing Noodles
- The Dandelion War
- The Dandies
- The Dandy Lions
- The Dandy Warhols
- The Danger Babes
- The Danger Boys
- The Danger Brothers
- The Danger Is
- The Dangerous Boys Club
- The Dangerous Summer
- The Danglers
- The Daniel Castro Band
- The Daniel James Gang
- The Daniel Wakeford Experience
- The Daniels Brothers
- The Danish Polcalypso Band
- The Danksters
- The Danny Giles Band
- The Dantes
- The Danvilles
- The Dap-Kings
- The Dappled Grays
- The Darbles
- The Darcys
- The Dardys
- The Dare
- The Daredevil Christopher Wright
- The Dares
- The Dark
- The Dark Circus
- The Dark Comedy Open Mic - English Stand-Up *TRIGGER WARNING*
- The Dark Matters
- The Dark Plains
- The Dark Room
- The Dark Room All-Stars
- The Dark Side of the Moon - In Concert
- The Dark Tenor
- The Darker Hues
- The Darkest Day
- The Darkest Gray
- The Darkness
- The Darkness and Joan Jett
- The Darling Buds
- The Darling Fire
- The Darling Suns
- The Darlings
- The Darlingtons
- The Darryl Strawberries
- The Darts
- The Dash
- The Dash Between
- The Dashing Suns
- The Dashwoods
- The Data and the Lore
- The Datsuns
- The Davanos
- The Dave Brubeck Quartet
- The Dave Goddess Group
- The Dave Graney Show
- The Dave Howard Singers
- The Dave Matthews Tribute Band
- The Dave McArtney Tribute
- The Davenports
- The David Cross Band
- The David Ellis Group
- The David Grisman Bluegrass Experience
- The David McWilliams Podcast
- The David Wax Museum
- The Davisson Brothers Band
- The Davy Jones Memorial
- The Davy K Project
- The Dawn
- The Dawn Brothers
- The Dawn Chose Orion
- The Dawn Drapes
- The Dawns
- The Day
- The Day He Quit
- The Day He Returns
- The Day Laborers
- The Day Late Fools
- The Day Lewis
- The Day Life
- The Day of the Beast
- The Day Offest
- The Day Party
- The Day Players
- The Day Will Come
- The Daydreamers
- The Daylights
- The Daylilies
- The Days
- The Days Weight
- The Dayton Family
- The Dazies
- The Dazzling Diamonds
- The Dazzling Dooms
- The dB's
- The Dc3
- The DCR Experience
- The Dead
- The Dead 60s
- The Dead and Living
- The Dead Billys
- The Dead Bolts
- The Dead Brothers
- The Dead C
- The Dead Daisies
- The Dead Deads
- The Dead End Yuppies
- The Dead Exs
- The Dead Famous
- The Dead Flowers
- The Dead Formats
- The Dead Girls
- The Dead Guise
- The Dead Hands
- The Dead Highs
- The Dead Houseplants
- The Dead Kenny Gs
- The Dead Klown Society
- The Dead Lay Waiting
- The Dead Licks
- The Dead Milkmen
- The Dead Of Man
- The Dead On
- The Dead Peasants
- The Dead Pickers Society
- The Dead Pirates
- The Dead Rabbits
- The Dead Rabbitts
- The Dead Records
- The Dead Ringers
- The Dead Roses
- The Dead Science
- The Dead Sea Scrolls
- The Dead Seeds
- The Dead Sessions
- The Dead Ships
- The Dead South
- The Dead Stringers
- The Dead Tapes
- The Dead Tongues
- The Dead Trains
- The Dead Trees
- The Dead Tricks
- The Dead Waves
- The Dead Weather
- The Dead Woods
- The Dead, An Opera
- The Deadbeat Poets
- The Deadbeats
- The DeadBeatz
- The Deadeyes
- The Deadfields
- The Deadlies
- The Deadly Gentlemen
- The Deadnotes
- The Deaf
- The Deaf Scene
- The Deafening
- The Deal
- The Dealers
- The Dean
- The Dean Martin Story
- The Dean Ween Group
- The Dean's List
- The Dean's List Jazz Group
- The Deane House Murder Mystery
- The Deans
- The Dear Hunter
- The Dearly Beloved
- The Dears
- The Death of All Morality
- The Death of Comedy
- The Death of Pop
- The Death of Remus
- The Death Set
- The Death South
- The Death Tremors
- The Deathray Davies
- The Debaters
- The Debauchees
- The Debonaires
- The Debt Gala
- The Debutante Hour
- The Debuts
- The Decadent West
- The Deceived
- The December Sound
- The Decemberists
- The Decent Lovers
- The Deciders
- The Deciples
- The Deck Podcast
- The Decline
- The Decoys
- The Dedication - Black Rose and Friends
- The Dee Brown Situation
- The Deedles
- The Deele
- The Deems
- The Deep Blue
- The Deep Blue Dream
- The Deep Dark Woods
- The Deep End
- The Deep Fried Five
- The Deep Hollow
- The Deep North
- The Deep Pink
- The Deep Red Sky
- The Deepest Shade
- The Deer
- The Deer France
- The Deer Park
- The Deer Tracks